number five

365 7 2

Hskdndb hahaha
- - - - -

I felt a dip in the bed and turned over slowly to see Damiar laying on his back with one knee bent, doing something on his phone.

"What do you want?" I slurred groggily and sniffled, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Oh hey Y/n" he said in an annoyingly high pitched, way too happy voice.

"Oh god, what did you do?"


"You did something. What's with the voice?"


I huffed and stood up and walked out of the room, but Damiar just got up and followed me.

I turned around swiftly to face Damiar as I neared the stairs.

"What do you want?"

"Well, um, Kai kind of, um..."

"What? What did Kai do?" I said, narrowing my eyes.

He pocketed his phone with a sigh. He looked down and held his temple between two fingers like he was frustrated.

"What's wrong? Is he okay?" I started to get worried and I couldn't hide it in my voice even though I tried to.

"He's in the hospital."

"What?!" I nearly yelled. I ran down stairs in a panic, Damiar chasing after me.

"Mom! Mom! Is Kai okay?!" I shouted. She turned to me with a sad look on her face.

"He's okay, Y/n, calm down."

"No, no, tell me what happened. Please."

"Y/n, he just tripped and fell down the stairs." Damiar said, pulling on my arm to get me to face him.

"Don't touch me," I said lowly so only he could hear.

I cleared my throat, "So why is he in the hospital then?"

"He hit his head really hard and got a concussion. He also broke a finger." My mom explained.

"Can we go see him? Please?" I begged.

"We're not family they won't let us in because of quaranti-"

I sighed sharply in frustration, cutting her off. I ran upstairs without another word and Damiar, again, followed me.

"Jesus! Can you just lay off for one second?!" I yelled, stopping in the door frame of my room in front of him. He ignored me and pushed me out of the way. He started grabbing some of his stuff. Like his phone charger, earbuds, a jacket, etc.

I did the same. I got my charger, earbuds, phone, hoodie,and a soft throw. I ran my fingers through my hair to fix it at least a little bit and slipped my shoes on before running down stairs again.

I was going to see Kai and no one could stop me. I knew Damiar was going to try to go with me, and would probably succeed. But at this point I wasn't trying to stop him. All I wanted was to see Kai, no matter what Damiar does he can't get in the way.

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