chapter 666: What really happened?

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We made it to the hospital without being crushed in between two cars and walked to the front desk, asking for Kai's room.

"I'm sorry we won't be able to let you in unless you have consent from family members due to the break out of Covid-19."

I looked around. The place was calm, quiet. Not many people here at all.

"Ok, tell me how many cases in the county?"

"Excuse me?" The lady asked, confused.

"How many cases of Covid are there in the city?" I repeated, more sternly.

"Well o-only ten... but it's s-"

"Y/n?" I heard a familiar voice and turned to see Jess.

"Jess. Oh my god. Jess, is he alright?"

"Y-Yeah, I guess. I don't really know. He's sleeping."

The lady at the desk glanced in between us and started typing into her computer. A second later she handed me two blue circle shaped stickers. I put one on my shirt and handed one to Damiar who did the same.

"You can go." She added.

Jess waved us forward and led us to Kai's room. It was up stairs.

We had to go down two halls, get through a security door, find the elevator room and get in to get to the fourth floor. We finally made it there and I felt so nauseous by the time we did.

The smell of sanitizer, medicine, and cleaning supplies just made me feel like I wanted to throw up. I had to live with those smells for two months and experiencing the smell again made me feel nostalgic, in a bad way.

I gently opened the door to the dark room and my eyes immediately landed on Kai's limp body. I started to shake a little bit as I entered.

"Y/n, it's okay. He's okay." Damiar whispered to me as he passed me and stood at the end of the bed.

"You don't know that" I muttered but he didn't hear. I grabbed a desk chair, you know the ones with wheels, and pulled it to the side of the bed. I sat down in it, trying to calm down as I studied Kai's sleeping face.

His hair was tied up in a mini pony tail, his make up was all smudged, and his glasses were set on the table beside the bed. Hm. I'd never seen him without his glasses before. But he didn't really look any different than when he had them on, he was equally as handsome.

He also had a huge bruise on his head right by his hair line, one above his eyebrow, and a cut on his bottom lip. Jeez, all this just from falling down the stairs?

"He also bruised his leg really badly. He said he hit it against the support at the end of the stair case." Jess said from behind me.

"Wait- you didn't see it? Or hear it?"

"No, no one else was home but him. Why?"

"How do you know he just fell down the stairs, then?"

"We just took his word. It happened so quickly and we had no other reason not to."

I nodded, "Oh okay. So what happened when you got home then?"

"He was laying on the couch, sleeping. I woke him up and he said his head hurt and his whole body ached from falling down the stairs earlier. Every time the light hit his eyes he got nauseous, his lip wouldn't stop bleeding and he was coughing up blood. So we took him to the ER."

"There's no way he fell down the stairs and it did all that to him." Damiar said as he stood up angrily.

"Yeah. Something's not right." I stood up as well, turning away from Kai to gather my thoughts. Just looking at him would distract me and I'd go nuts trying to figure it out.

He could've gotten jumped, or gotten into a fight. But where? We're not supposed to leave home. He could've broke the rules. I mean, no one's stopping him. Plus he could've just been on a walk or at the park. We're allowed to go outside, just not to many public places.

"Fuck, I don't know. Whoever did this is gonna be in the hospital pretty soon though." I said.

I heard an agitated groan from behind me and whipped around. Kai was waking up. I sat back down met his eyes as they fluttered open.

"Hey, Kai. How ya feeling?"

He just gave me a small smile.

"Thanks for coming to see me Y/n."

"So I'll take that as 'not good'."

He nodded and closed his eyes again and grunted as he tried to move his arm.

"Kai, what really happened? We know you didn't just fall down the stairs." I said as I wiped a little bit of blood off of his cheek with my thumb.

He glanced behind me, looking at Damiar.

"Oh hey Damiar. I didn't know you were here."

"Kai...answer the question." Damiar said. He stood next to me and I tensed up for some reason. I didn't really know why.

Kai sighed heavily, "I can't. Sorry."

"Kai please-"

"Fine. I got into a fucking fight with some guy when I was walking home from the grocery store. There, I said it. He beat my ass, okay?" He let out a small, pained laugh after saying that.

"Pfft. It's not that big of a deal, Kai." I assured as I pat his shoulder.

His hand immediately flew over mine and he pulled it away. He gave me a look telling me that it hurt.

I laughed quietly, "And he'll get his Karma, don't worry."

Damiar mumbled something I don't think he thought I would hear.

"Damn right he will."

- - - -

Ahh I know this chapter focused more on Kai but I swear it's important and it leads to something bigger with Damiar ok!!

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