sWeEt SiXtEeN

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i stood frozen in place trying to find my words. we were now just staring at each other in confusion. i had planned this out a hundred times in my head and yet i still had to idea what the fuck to say.

i broke down and hated myself for my feelings for so long just for me to not even say anything. bottom line: think before you do shit impulsively.

"um, kai?" Y/n broke me from my thoughts.

"can i come in its fucking freezing out here" i finally said. she nodded and opened the door wider, moved out of the way, and let me in.

as soon as i stepped in, a warm towel was wrapped over my shoulders. my face started heating up when y/n's arms wrapped around me for a second.  she then threw a small blanket over me and i cuddled into it and covered my face. 

"is damiar here?" i asked, sitting on the couch criss-cross.

she sat next to me, "yeah but hes asleep."

"o-okay, um, i have to um–" i was cut off by footsteps coming down the stairs. we looked up to see y/n's mom and another woman.

"mom? whats up?" y/n asked as she rose to her feet and walked over to them. damn it. i was just about to say–

"i just got a call from my aunt, my grandma's dying. we're planning a trip up north and we've already bought mine and your father's tickets. do you wanna go?"

"what about the house? and damiar, hes still hurt." y/n said. what? what happened to damiar?

"i will stay here and take care of damiar and the house." the other woman announced. she must be damiar's mom.

y/n stayed silent for a moment, i guess thinking about what she would do. i really dont want her to leave. i could barely go a week without seeing her. i know she wont be gone forever but its just not the same.

maybe i could get her to stay somehow?

"if you dont want to go, thats okay. i know you dont know youre family up there that much so its no pressure-" her mom assured.

"y-y/n i was just going to ask i-if i could stay over for a while? me and my mom are having problems and i honestly dont want to be around her." its not like i was lying. my moms a bitch sometimes.

"of course you can, kai. if kai's gonna be staying here i'll stay with him. maybe ms. krogh could go since we can watch the house and stuff?"

the woman who i now knew as damiar's mom looked at y/n's mom.

"yes that's fine." she finally said. the two went back up stairs and y/n looked back at me,

"sorry what were you gonna say?"


- - - your pov now:

I shrugged it off and changed the subject.

"So did you wanna see Damiar?"

"Well i do wanna make sure he sokay but i honestly came here to see you."

I blushed a bit at Kais flattering words. Hes so sweet, im really glad i have him.

"Okay, we can see him later. I think hes sleeping anyway. How have you been doing with school?"

"Its hard, but im doing it. You?" He replied.

"Its whatever. Boring. When do we need to get your stuff to stay over here?"

"W-Well i dont really know if i can go back today or not...shes pretty angry with me." His mom. Shes a bitch sometimes...i wish  i could take kai away from his home in all, it sounds like it sucks when shes there.

"Its ok, you can borrow some of mine or Damiar's things for now." I smiled sweetly at him and started towards the stairs to get my phone. But i felt a grip on my wrist and turned around, only to be pulled onto the couch by kai. Kai then pulled me into a tight hug. I could tell he was crying even though he didnt make a sound.

"I-its okay kai, forget about your mom. You dont have to see her for a while. Im here for you, you can talk to m-"

"Thats not what it is y/n."

"Then what is it?"

"I cant tell you."

I took a breath in and thought about what to say but i decided to stay quiet and just comfort him.im not gonna pressure him into telling me if he really doesnt want to or cant.

"Y/n can you help me? Also hey kai." I heard Damiar's voice and looked up at him.

I mouthed "one sec" and he nodded.

"Its okay, help him. Im okay. Hes hurt."

"Youre hurt too, Kai."

He chuckled softly, "Dont remind me." He began to wipe his tears with his hand and i helped using my sleeve.

I then got up and asked damiar what he needed. He grabbed my hand and held it tightly.

"Can you help me with my bandages?" He asked in a soft tone.

"Yeah of course. Are you feeling okay? You sound, idk, soft."

"Im fine, idiot. C'mon."

We went up the stairs and he would not let go fo my hand for anything. I cant say i really cared though. I do hate that im slowly giving into him though. I still havent made up my mind about how i feel about him, but its clear he knows what he wants.

We got upstairs and he handed me the first aid kit. He sat on the edge of the bed and i sat on the floor and took his wrists in my hands. I slowly began to switch out his bandages.

"Do you like kai?"

"Huh?" Hes only said four words and im already confused.

"Do you like...have a 'crush' on him..."

i looked at him weirdly for a second. why would he think that? i dont like kai like that...

"nevermind, its stupid, nevermi-"

"uh- yeah! i mean n-no, i...i mean yes."

shit. shit shit shit shit shit. why did i say that? im so stupid. think before you say stuff, y/n!

im in huge trouble.

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