chapter 4(20)

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Hi I'm rlly sorry I haven't updated in a bit I haven't had much inspo so I'm just tryin my best :)

That night I went to sleep in my own bed, alone, and stressed out as fuck. So much happened in just one day. I can't imagine what a whole week, or lord knows how long this quarantine will take, would be like.

Anyway, I woke up the next morning to a loud knock on my bedroom door. I groaned and threw a pillow at it, "Go away!"

Monday, March 16th, 2020

"Your mom wants you down for breakfast in ten." Damiar's voice was heard from the other side of the door.

"Fuck you" I slurred sleepily as I shifted into a comfier position.

"Y/n, seriously. I will come in there."

"No you won't!" I quickly shot up from the bed and sprang to the door, holding my body against it with as much force as possible.

Alas, I was thrown to the ground with a thud. My hands landed behind me to support my weight and I looked up at Damiar through my hair that had flown into my face during the fall. He grinned evilly and started to laugh.

"Shut up," I mumbled embarrassed.

"Nice pajamas" he said with a smirk. I looked down and I was wearing some silly pajamas I bought as a joke. I felt a blush creep onto my face.

"Get. Out." I said as stern as possible and he chuckled softly before turning and finally leaving. I sighed, annoyed. He caught me when I was half asleep and most vulnerable. Son of a bitch.

I got up and slammed the door shut and walked over to my closet, only to hear the door open again. I glared at Damiar walking in while still facing the closet.

"I need clean clothes, Y/n. No big deal." He said slyly and pulled open the top drawer to the- no, my dresser, and began rummaging through it for his clothes.

"Nothing's ever a big deal to you," I mumbled under my breath and scoffed after words. He sighed quietly and kept looking through the drawer, finally pulling out some clothes as soon as I did from my closet.

The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife, I swear. I don't know what kind of tension. Awkward, angry, annoyed, all of it. Every type of tension except sexual.

"Bathroom" I said, pointing to the bathroom door and he walked in. As he entered the door way he lifted his shirt over his head, exposing his torso. I could feel the heat rush to my face like a fire had just been lit right in front of my face. It kind of did.

Oh, and that was when the sexual tension started.

He turned around and smirked that ugly little evil smirk at me before finally going in and closing the door behind him. Thankfully, though I knew my cheeks were really red, I glared at him with a straight face the whole time.

I changed clothes quickly before he could come back into the room. Okay, I know he'd never intentionally look at me that way, even if he is a complete asshole. He's not that kind of asshole. I was just anxious as usual.

I sat on my bed and stared at the wall in thought. Then Damiar finally came out wearing a black button up and some black jeans with chains dangling from them. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by our moms calling us down for breakfast.

The whole time we sat at the breakfast table he stared at me. It was super uncomfortable though I tried my best to ignore it.

"So, kids, online schooling starts tomorrow. We got emails from your teachers and we'll walk you through setting everything up, okay?" Damair's mom spoke up. I think she noticed the tension between us. I simply nodded but Damiar, of course, had to add in his two cents.

"Not like it matters." He muttered.

"Damiar Benjamin Krogh, what has gotten into you? Have you forgotten how important school is to you and this family? You know it does matter. I think you're just trying to show off for some reason." His mom snapped at him and he looked down, embarrassed.

I could've burst out in laughter at his embarrassment, and I actually did, but not before excusing myself into my room.

A few moments later, both of Damiar and I's moms were dragging Damiar into my room. He sat on my bed and my mom explained they'd be showing us how to set up everything for online school.


After finally learning the basics of online school, my schedule, and how to work the damn program, I fell asleep for a nap.


Ok I'm gonna end it here bc idk where this is going but enjoy this shitt

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