Part 1

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Marion was a bright child, always so kind and caring. Too bad he had to live in the worlds most dangerous town with his abusive mother.
   Marion's POV
It was another day at school, The same as always, teachers beating up troublemakers, criminals entering and causing havoc, bullies bullying those who are labelled freaks or weak.
Same old same old *sigh*

The bell rang, it was time for lunch, as I was grabbing my stuff to go, I noticed Brad, the school's worst bully walking towards me.

Brad: Ha! Look at this dude. He looks so skinny I bet even a fly could kill him!

The people around me started to laugh, I just tried to ignore them and was going to take my leave until.

Brad: Hey! Are you ignoring me?!

He started to run towards me. I tried to run away but he was too fast, he raised his fist and punched me square in the face. Soon, people joined in, by the time they were done with me, I was black and blue all over.

Brad: Ha! That'll teach ya to ignore me! See ya later, loser!

I tried to get up, but the pain was too unbearable, I was lying there, in a pool of my own blood. I tried calling for help, teachers walked by, I called out for help. But all they did was spit on me or kick me.

I couldn't even get back on my seat once lunch was over. My classmates laughed at me, seeing me in such a state was pathetic, they saw me as a waste of space.
Soon, school was over, I finally managed to move, the pain was still there, the adrenaline probably kicked in. I walked home, making sure to look out for anyone suspicious. Well, not like I could prevent anything they throw at me.

I managed to reach home, but unlike most of the people in the world, I wasn't greeted with a warm welcome. I was greeted with a hit in the gut, by my own mother.
Ya know we used to be quite the happy family, that's until my father died a few years back due to him being murdered by criminals.
After that, my mom went into a state of insanity, always abusing me, finding many different ways to torture me.
Your probably wondering why I haven't talked yet right?
Well that's because I'm a quiet guy, I was told by my mother every time I tried to ask why she was doing this to me to shut up and take the pain.
So that's what I did, I had no choice anyway.

Today my mom was in a bad mood, how do I know?
I could smell alcohol in her breath. Probably a bad day at work. But today was when my life was completely ruined.
My mom dragged me up to the table and strapped me down with duct tape. I saw a couple of different colour substances in those beakers right next to me. Next thing I knew, my mom pierced my face with a needle and injected the strange coloured substance inside of my face.
I screamed, the pain was too much, tears streamed down my face as I helplessly tried to break free from this torture.
As a last ditch effort, I tried to speak to my mom.
Marion: M-mom p-please s-
I was cut off by a punch in the groin.
Mom: Shut up brat! Didn't I tell you to take the pain you worthless trash! If only you didn't exist then maybe your father wouldn't have died!! Now shut up and stay still!

After what felt like hours, she was finally finished. Due to the chemicals placed in my face. My entire face turned pale white with my eyes being pitch black with white dots in the middle as pupils. There was a purple line that came down from each eye which ended where the top of my mouth was, there was also red circles on each cheek. My lips were also black, and my hair turned white, probably due to amount of pain my body was in.
I looked like a freak, a doll...
My mom finally let go of me and she shut me in her basement.
There I found a mask which looked exactly like my face without the white pupils, there was a smile on the masks face as well. Now I knew what gave her the idea to do this. I couldn't let other people see me like this, so I took the mask and placed it on my face. A perfect fit, I still couldn't believe the once kind and bright boy that was once me had turned into this.
I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted to die and end the pain.
But something stopped me from doing so, a new feeling clouded my thoughts. I was confused, I thought hard about what it was, then I realised...
There was nothing on my mind except rage. I couldn't even think clearly, one thing was on my mind and it was to kill my own mother.
I began to think hard on how to kill her. I wasn't good with knives, the last time I tried to cut up vegetables ended up in me cutting myself.
While thinking, I spotted a yarn of string sitting at the far corner of the basement. I went and touched it and realised that this was another one of my mother's torture equipment as I felt some metallic material on the string.
Then it hit me, I finally knew how to kill my mother.
I was always good at handling strings, I used to do puppetry and entertained my class when I was younger.
I set up a trap that was meant to entangle my mother  as soon as I pulled a string. It took a while but it was effective.
I waited for for hours, until suddenly, the door creaked open.

Mom: Oi! Brat! Come here! I'm goi-

I cut her off by pulling the string, as soon as I pulled it, my mom was entangled and trapped.

Mom: What the-What's happening! I can't move!

She probably doesn't realise what she was entangled in as the string was quite thin and the room was quite dark.

Mom: Oi brat! What do you think you're doing you fuck!? Let me go you little shit!

I said nothing as I slowly walked towards her, once I reached her, I saw that she was afraid and scared.
I slowly used my string and wrapped it around her neck. She realised what I was doing and she cried out.

Mom: Wait! Wait please don't do this! I won't beat you anymore! Just don't kill me! Please!

I was silent, once I was finished I looked at her for a few seconds, then pulled...
Her head came off, blood was spewing everywhere.
Satisfied, I then used the remaining string I had and wrapped in around my neck.

Marion: So this is it huh? Well then, I hope the afterlife won't be too boring...

Then I pulled, then my world turned dark....

All of sudden, I felt that I was falling, then after a few seconds, I hit the ground.
I dusted myself off and noticed that my mask was still on face and I my face looked exactly the same.
I looked at what I was wearing.
I looked like a like a puppet of some sort.
And what's more? My body looked feminine! That's kinda bad, but oh well!

I looked up and saw a huge pentagram in the sky.
Then I noticed a dead body next to me, it looked like a demon of some sort, realisation hit me and I saw that my mother was once again dead on the ground.

I laughed and spoke to myself.

Marion: This might be fun!

The Puppet (Hazbin Hotel x Marionette OC) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now