Part 5

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Marion's POV

I was walking back to my music box after about 2 hours of cooking.
Sheesh, this is the first time I cooked for so many people, I feel really tired.
I need some tea...., welp, music box here I come!

I floated towards my room, to my surprise.
I saw Nifty, cleaning my music box, I didn't mind it of course. I'm not gonna kill somebody for helping me clean my music box. I was quite surprised on how fast she was able to finish the food. Was it that good?

I walked towards her, it seems she hasn't noticed me yet. I tapped her shoulder and she jumped, she then turned around and faced me.

Marion: Hello there, Nifty right? Thanks for cleaning my music box, I really appreciate it! As a reward....

Nifty looked at me with slight confusion.

Nifty: Oh there's no need for a reward, it's my job to help clean the hotel anyway!

She smiled, I looked at her, then chuckled to myself.
She's quite the hard worker isn't she?

Marion: Nonsense my dear! A hardworking girl like you should be rewarded, as for my reward, I shall give you something only a few people have obtained from me!

I then clenched and unclenched my fist, strings came out, and then I started making hand movements, the string was sticking together. Slowly forming, layer by layer. Oh! I forgot to mention! My string is able to change colour! Pretty cool right?
The string them began to take shape, forming into a figure.

I looked at Nifty, she had a look of amazement on her face. I chucked to myself.

After about 5 minutes, the figure was done. It was an exact replica of Nifty, except it was a doll and it was much smaller.
I then handed Nifty the doll.

Nifty: This is for me?! Thank You, Mr Marion!!

She gave me a smile that even kings will bow down to. I felt my face heat up a little. Just what is this feeling in my chest?

Marion: I-I'm glad you liked it! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a music box to attend to!

I then proceeded to float to my music box, not before I patted Nifty's head of course.
What? I couldn't resist! You can't blame me for doing such a thing! She's too damn adorable!

What i didn't notice, was that Nifty's cheeks were red.

I entered my music box and started to drink tea, the music was playing. Everything was perfect.

All of a sudden I heard a soft thud on the side of my music box.

Marion: What could that be?

I then decided to ignore it, I grabbed a blanket and covered myself, I then fell asleep.

Nifty's POV

He patted me....
He patted me!!!
I couldn't stop blushing, he was so kind, I've never felt such kindness before. He even gave me a reward!
The only thing I've received was money due to me cleaning a lot. This is the first time I've received something other than money!

The rumours I heard about him were scary, it said that he was a person who enjoyed killing and would kill anyone just cause he felt like it. But, after everything he has done, I can definitely confirm that it those rumours aren't true!

Ever since I first saw him at the door, my heart couldn't stop beating fast. Is he the one? But it might end up the same like last time...

I then saw him enter his music box, does he sleep in there?
Not long after, music started playing, it was so calming, I think he really is sleeping in there.

Charlie said to not open his music box when the music is playing, so does that mean he doesn't like to be disturbed when sleeping?
I then started to listen to the music, the music was so calming, I slowly felt my eyes starting to close,

Oh no! I'm going to fall asle-

Soon, her eyes clamped shut and she fell, her back was against the music box. Sleeping ever so peacefully...

Charlie's POV

I was walking towards Marion's room to check if he needed anything. I just finished washing the dishes with Vaggie.
While walking I began to think that maybe the rumours about "The Marionette" weren't true after all. He was quite a polite person, quite hard to find in somebody who was sent to hell.

Charlie: Dad would like him, too bad he doesn't like my dream tho...

Then I heard music, it was quite calming too.

'Must be the music box', I thought.

I then proceeded to walk in to his room, I then saw the music box in the middle of the room. I walked towards the music box, i then looked at it. It was blue with some streaks of purple on it.
I then noticed Nifty, sleeping on the side of the music box with a smile on her face.

I smiled, then I took out my phone and took a picture of the adorable scene.
This is just too good, I can't not take a picture of it.

I then walked away smiling softly, I then stepped out of the room. I began to think to myself.

'This is going very well! I'm so happy that there are people that are helping out! Now that I have help, my dream is one step closer to becoming reality!', I thought.

I then walked towards my room, thinking of the amount of things to do tomorrow...

The Puppet (Hazbin Hotel x Marionette OC) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now