Part 9

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Marions's POV

I teleported out of the building, and let out a breath of relief.

Marion: Phew, I'm glad they weren't nasty, things would have gone quite ugly real fast if they viewed me as a threat...oh well! Now that that's out of the way, what do I do?

I began to think,
'What should I do? I'm free today so what do I have to do?.'

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around, and then my face scrunched up in annoyance.
A slim figure was right in front of me, face close to mine.

Female sinner: Well hello there cutie~

Oh Satan, thot alert! Sound the alarms!!

Female sinner: Wanna stop by my place and have some, fun~. I promise it'll be worth your time and money~

Marion: *sigh* Now listen here young lady, I have no intention of following you to do such things. Now if you would please distance yourself 5 metres away from me, that would be nice.

I made a hand motion which signalled her to go away, but she didn't even move nor flinch.
So it's a persistent one huh?...How annoying....

Female sinner: Cmon hot stuff, I promise I'll be be worth your while~

It seems like I have to resort to drastic measures, although I'd rather not do this to a lady, I would rather like having personal space.

I clenched and unclenches my right fist, string coming out and surrounding the female sinner.
She was now trapped, I'll let her go once I leave.

She somehow still managed to keep her calm and continued to try to seduce me.

Female sinner: Ooo kinky~. Mind doing a little more of this somewhere...private~

My eye twitched, I wish someone was here to help me get rid of this nuisance, unfortunately everyone seems to be busy and minding their own business.

Then a thought came into mind, that's right! Valentino could perhaps help me with this problem!

I lifted my arm and grabbed her shoulder, she then smirked.

Female sinner: So you're finally gonna do me huh?~. Took ya long enough~

I ignored her and then lifted my mask up a bit, revealing my mouth. I then smiled and asked,

Marion: Tell me, do you work for the porn industry?

She was confused on this question but nodded anyway. I smiled wider,

Marion: Then you, me and your boss are gonna have quite the long chat on this matter.

She was utterly confused, she then laughed,

Female sinner: Hahaha! As if the Boss would talk to somebody just because an employee was just doing her job! I'm warning ya~ He might kill you~

She smiled, I laughed, she became confused once again, I leaned towards her and spoke softly into her ears,

Marion: We'll see about that sweetheart~

Suddenly, the area around us started glitching, the female sinner was starting to panic.

Then we vanished.....

Valentino's POV

I just finished making a phone call,
'*sigh* Those damned apes won't pay up, I'll have to find someone to deal with it.', I thought.

I grabbed a glass, which was filled with the wine that the 'Marionette' gave us earlier. I took a sip, my eyes widened.

'Oh wow! This tastes amazing! This is even better than my favourite brand! I wonder why is that so? Isn't this the same brand as my favourite?'

Just then, the room became glitchy again, it seems that the 'Marionette' decided to come again. I wonder for what reason for him to be back so soon?

The other two saw it too, Vox just shrugged, while Velvet was smiling.

Then two people appeared, one being obviously the overlord himself, while the other being one of my employees, I wonder what this is about?

Marion's POV

I appeared with the lady still in my trap, I then asked,

Marion: Valentino, I'm sure this is one of your employees right?

Valentino: Yes my dear, her names Amelia, did she do something to upset you?

Female sinner: Boss get a load of this! This guy wants to talk to yo-

Valentino's tone turned dangerous,

Valentino: I'm in the middle of a conversation Amelia dear, so would you kindly allow me to speak with him first?

She nodded while shaking, I giggled,

Marion: Now now Valentino, she didn't do anything wrong, but I'd like to talk about something else.
You see, I have quite the dislike for porn Actors and Actresses, they annoy me to no end.
Do you know how many time they've constantly asked me to have fun with them?! It's been going on for 5 years! *sigh* Anyways I would like to ask of you to send a message to your employees, telling them if they were to 'request' of me to do such things again...

Music started to play, and the room started glitching. Some bloodlust leaked out of me unknowingly, frightening the female behind me.

Marion: There will be no second chances.

Valentino looked at me and nodded, everything returned to normal again. I sighed, then released the female sinner behind me, she fell to the floor and looked at me with fearful eyes.

Marion: Thanks for that, I really will appreciate it, i owe ya too. Well then I'll be taking my leave yet again. And you...

I turned around, tears started to form in her eyes, she was shaking uncontrollably.

Marion: Next time, try to work in this studio, rather than going out on the streets and doing it with random people. It's quite disturbing, other than that, Farewell!

The room glitched and I vanished....

Amelia's POV

I stood up and walked to the Boss, I shakily asked,

Amelia: B-Boss who was he?

Valentino: He's one of the most powerful overlords in Hell, I'm sure you know him as the 'Marionette'.

My heart went still,


I panicked, worried for my life, then the Boss patted me on the back.

Valentino: Don't worry, he's not after your life, the next time you meet, I suggest you refrain from asking him to have sex.

I nodded really fast, I was terrified of him, I couldn't believe I just flirted with such a powerful being without even knowing. The 'Marionette' is known for his power, and his dislike for pornography and rape.

Then Boss handed me a piece of paper, I looked at him confused, he gestured me to read it. I then saw writing on the paper.

It red,

'Dear Amelia,
Most apologies for scaring you, i just wanted to make things clear, if you need any help with anything other than porn, I'd gladly help.
Signed, your lovely overlord 'Marionette''

I placed the note in my pocket and breathed out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I'm so glad he didn't want to kill me.

Valentino: Well, it looks like I have quite the number of phone calls to make....

The Puppet (Hazbin Hotel x Marionette OC) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now