Part 6

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Marion's POV

That was a good nap, haven't had one in a while.
I poked out of my music box and began to look around. I soon spotted something red next to my music box.

To my surprise, it was Nifty.
I chuckled to myself,
'She's so adorable, that sleeping face is just too much.' I thought.

I gently lifted her up and carried her bridal style, I opened the door with my strings and began to head to Charlie's room.

*Timeskip 5 mins later*

I reached Charlie's room and decided to use my strings to create earplugs for Nifty, they may not look it, but my string can be soft too.

I knocked three times and waited for a while.
'She's taking quite a while isn't she?', I thought.

Then the door opened slowly, and I saw the messy haired princess in front of me, looking at me with tired eyes.

Charlie: Oh hey Marion...what are you doing up so early?

'Early? I must have overslept, it seems the next day has already started.' I thought.

Without saying a word, I then lifted Nifty up a little, just enough to catch Charlie's attention.

Charlie: Ohhh I see, her room is on the second floor to the right, all the way down the hallway there should be a door with pink highlights on it. That's her room, now if you'll excuse me...I still have 5 more hours to sleep...

She then softly closed the door, before she could fully closed it, I nodded a thanks to her direction.

I then started my journey to my little Nifty's room!
I then floated at a fast but steady pace towards the second floor, i checked a clock on the way, it seems Charlie was right, I did wake up early. I went passed a ton of rooms and was looking everywhere until I found a room with pink highlights on it.

I opened the door, switched on the lights, and floated down to the bed level, slowly placing Nifty on the bed. I then tucked her in bed, gently putting a blanket over her.

I then switched off the lights and slowly closed the door, making sure not to make any noise. Once fully closed, I then started to think about the things I should do for today.

Marion: Should I start by making breakfast? But Charlie is sleeping another 5 about....Ah! I'll go grocery shopping! The hotel's supply of food is starting to slowly disappear anyway.

I then proceeded to float to the entrance of the hotel, I then felt that my throat was really dry, it seems that I haven't gotten my daily dosage of tea could I forget?

I floated to the kitchen and opened the cabinet, I gasped,

'Oh my! There are so many different flavours! They even have my favourite Jasmine Green Tea!' I thought loudly inside my head.

I excitedly began to make the tea, I haven't been able to find this type of tea in such a long time, I miss this flavour sooo much, the taste is just too addicting.

After making the tea, lifted my mask up a little and drank the tea.

Marion: Ahhh...this is the best.

I can never get enough on this, I'll have to ask Charlie where to find this type of tea, I can't miss out on this opportunity!

I then washed my cup and floated out of the kitchen, towards the entrance of the hotel.

(Timeskip 8 minutes)

As soon as I got out, I was met with chaos, it seems like some demons were still having their turf wars.
Tch, so loud, hope they don't wake anyone up.

I slowly floated towards the city, occasionally humming to myself.
Not even 5 minutes later, I was met with group of thugs, they surrounded me and started to laugh. Sigh, just my luck...

Thug 1: Hahaha! Look boys! We got ourselves a good one! Hey missy! How about me and my boys show you a 'good time' eh? Doesn't sound too bad, ain't it boys? Hahaha!

I twitched, it seems that miserable scum will always be scum, how did these fools not get killed by an exterminator yet? Sheesh, they're not doing their job properly. And no I'm not a girl!

Thug 2: Hahaha! You got it right boss! Hey missy, do ya have any friends? I'm sure they'll like us to 'accompany them'. I'm sure they feel a little lonely right? Why don't ya be a good friend and let us 'entertain' them? Hahaha!

Marion: ......

I was silent, words cannot describe the amount of anger I'm in currently. I was twitching a lot, my white pupils flickered from the mask every few seconds. When he said that, my mind drifted to Nifty being 'handled' with these filthy creatures.

As soon as I thought of that, I snapped.
Bloodlust was leaking uncontrollably from me, a few of them recognised me and started to panic. Others just pissed themselves.

Strings were already surrounding every one of them, I began to clench my fist and then let go over and over again. Making them feel extreme amounts of pain.

I then began to use my strings to mess with each of their nerves, I made it so they would feel 10 times more pain then usual.

I smiled, I then lifted my mask up a little, I wanted my smile to be the last thing they see before succumbing to extreme pain.

They looked at me with fear in their eyes, they know they cannot 'die' in hell, but they do know they can still feel pain, by the time I'm done with them, I'll make sure they won't even be able to move or much less talk for a month at least

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They looked at me with fear in their eyes, they know they cannot 'die' in hell, but they do know they can still feel pain, by the time I'm done with them, I'll make sure they won't even be able to move or much less talk for a month at least....

(Countless screams later...)

After what seemed to be hours of inhuman torturing, I finally decided to let them go. They twitched uncontrollably, and whenever one of them looked at me, that someone would faint instantly. It seems I gave them trauma, how nice.

I then floated away, remembering the real reason on why I was outside.

Marion: Oh no! I forgot about the groceries! I need to hurry, otherwise I won't be able to make breakfast for all of them. I just hope I have enough time to get everything done....

The Puppet (Hazbin Hotel x Marionette OC) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now