Part 10

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(The next day)

Marion's POV


Marion: Ahhh, that was a good rest, haven't had one in awhile.

I chuckled, then came out of my music box and stretched my back.

'What things are in store for this fine day?', I thought.

I went to the bathroom, washed myself up, and then looked at the mirror.

Marion: Maybe I should change up the look a little, I could use a little change. After all, I've been looking the same for all of my time in hell.

I began to dress up, I took out some clothes I made in my free time and put it on.
After all of that I put on my shoes and I levitated out of my room.

I floated into the lobby, where everyone was, it seems that they're all up. I greeted them.

Marion: Good morning!

They all turned to me, and had different reactions.

Charlie inspected me for awhile and then gave a thumbs up.
Vaggie and Alastor nodded in approval.
Husk didn't care, like always.
Angel Dust was looking my way with lust in his eyes.
And Nifty had a nose bleed, is she not feeling well?

Angel Dust: Lookin good Marion!

Angel Dust: Lookin good Marion!

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Marion: Why thank you.

I then levitated towards Nifty, then I looked at her.
Her face was red, blood was coming out of her nose.

I bent down and used my hand to touch her forehead,

Marion: Your temperature is high, you should be resting.

Her face grew so red she passed out, I managed to lift her up right before she fell to the ground.

I was about to head to her room, when Charlie took Nifty off of my hands.

Charlie: It's fine Marion, we'll take it from here, you can go enjoy the rest of your day.

Marion: Bu-

Charlie: It's fine, it's fine, just go enjoy your day. You've been through quite some things lately, so go out and enjoy yourself.

I reluctantly nodded and levitated away, out of the hotel and headed for Pentagram City.
I reached the city and decided to just walk around, some people looked at me with eyes of lust.
Some were gawking and drooling.

*sigh* People need to learn it's rude to stare....

I then saw a pastry shop nearby, I walked towards it, but was stopped by a large muscular sinner.

Male sinner: Hey~ Looky what we have here, that's some fine body ya got there, mind lending it to me~?

I scoffed in disgust and asked,

The Puppet (Hazbin Hotel x Marionette OC) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now