Part 7

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Nifty's POV

I woke up, my eyes slowly closing itself once again, only to open up again. I then saw where I was at.

Nifty: I'm in my room? That's strange....I remember that I was beside Marion's music box when I fell asleep. *Gasp* Did he bring me here?

I caught a familiar scent on my clothes. So it is him!
I began to curse myself, Dammit! I should've been awake when he carried me!

My fantasies went wild, thinking of how Marion would be if he were to sleep beside me on the bed.
Him saying the words: "I lov-

I snapped myself back to reality, I began to blush madly.

'What am I thinking?! This isn't normal, this can't be what I think it is right?', I thought.

The image of my ex-boyfriend whom I killed came to me, the reason I killed him?
I couldn't take his abuse anymore, he bought me from my family,  he enslaved me and began to beat me up everyday.

One time he almost raped me...luckily there was a rope nearby, I managed to grab it and tie it around his neck. He struggled, I almost lost my grip due to how hard he moved about. He died about a minute later.

Even after his death, his words were etched into my mind....useless, worthless, slave....
Tears began to form in my eye, I wiped them away and began to calm myself down.
I went to the bathroom and washed myself up.

After 8 minutes I was done, I headed downstairs, to my surprise, I saw Marion holding a huge bag of what seems to be groceries at the entrance of the hotel, I was in a daze...

Marion's POV

Ugh! This is so darn heavy! Maybe I shouldn't have bought this much....oh well, I'll just have to use more ingredients in my cooking.

I was at the entrance of the hotel, now I have to bring this all the way to the kitchen....
And as to why I'm not using my strings, it's because it's too risky, the groceries in this bag are quite soft, so even the slightest amount of squeezing will damage the goods.

I gently carried the bag and headed straight to the kitchen. Not noticing a a girl with one eye at the stairs, I accidentally banged into her, we both fell down, the bags of food all fell down.
Seems like that trip was a waste...

After Nifty snapped out of her daze she realised what happened, she broke down.

Nifty: I-I'm so sorry Marion! I should have moved out of the way! I-I'm s-so-

She ran out of the room, crying all the way. I floated after her.

Marion: Wait Nifty! It's not your fault! I'm sorry too! Please come back!

She didn't hear me, after a while I lost her.
Damn, it seems she knows this place well, I mean, she is the cleaner after all.
Damn it...where is she?
I began to worry, Nifty was not in good condition.
Her mental health might be damaged..

I began to move at high speeds, I was so fast, I was a blur to the naked eye. I zipped through each floor, looking to see if Nifty was here...

I went from floor to floor, frantically searching for the little sunshine. By now my worry increased tenfold, I couldn't find her!

As soon as I thought of that, I heard wailing.
I rushed towards the source of the noise, only to find Nifty in a corner, crying her eyes out with her knees tucked in.

I slowly approached her, not wanting to make her run again, I silently made strings and made it so she couldn't go anywhere else.

What? I need her to stay.

The Puppet (Hazbin Hotel x Marionette OC) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now