Part 4

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Marion's POV

After my short introduction, there was a big explosion that destroyed part of the hotel.
Sheesh, does every place I decide to live in have to explode today?
I looked outside and saw the snake guy.
It seems that lecture wasn't enough. Perhaps I could teach a lesson, one that he wouldn't forget anytime soon.

Sir Pentious: Well well well, loo-

His gaze landed on me and he started to freak out, he went back inside his big machine and I could hear gears turning.

Suddenly a Canon shot out from the bottom of the machine and aimed directly in front of us.
People never learn.

Sir Pentious: Hahaha! I'm so evil!

Alastor was about to do something but I stopped him.

Marion: Don't worry, I'll handle this, besides, it seems my little lecture didn't get through to him. I'll have to teach him a lesson.

Everybody eyed me curiously, I stretched my hands, clenching my fists and then unclenching them for about 3 seconds, then string came out and I outstretched my arm towards the machine.

Within a second, the entire machine was under my control, this was why I was called "The Marionette". With my strings i can take control of anything, be it a living person or a machine. Once my strings connect with your nerves, or in this case, gears. I can control and manipulate your movements.

I then moved my index finger upwards, the Canon that was in front of us suddenly pointed upwards at the machinery, it then blasted the ship, making bits and pieces of egg shells and metal fall. I saw Sir Pentious get blasted away, that'll keep him away for awhile.

I then turned around and saw a couple of faces.
Alastor had a look of approval and I could tell he was impressed.
Angel Dust just looked at me, surprised with the power I held.
Charlie just had the same sparkle in her eyes.
Vaggie just held a neutral look, but I could tell she was quite surprised on how I handled the situation so easily.
Husk didn't care, like always.
And Nifty just looked at me with a look of admiration.

Marion: Well? What are ya waiting for? The problem's solved, now we have work to do. Come on, chop chop.

I then proceeded to float back to the hotel with the others waking back behind me.
Hm, what shall I do to help out now?
Oh I know! I could cook a meal! It's almost dinner so it's the best time to cook a meal.
I floated around the hotel, trying to find the kitchen.

At last, after about 30 minutes I found the kitchen.
Sheesh, this hotel is big. Now let's see what ingredients we have....
I took out some butter, eggs, chicken, and vegetables and some other stuff. I grabbed the oil and lit the fire.
Now let us begin....

(Timeskip 2 hours)

Charlie's POV

Hmmm what shall I have for dinner, we probably need to have to eat at a restaurant.
All of sudden, while I was walking my nose caught the scent of something that most likely fell from heaven.

Charlie: What's that smell? It's so good! It's coming from the kitchen! Is anyone cooking? Who could it be...

Then I remembered,
Marion was the one who said that he could cook! Is his cooking that good?

I walked to kitchen, stomach growling, I opened the door and saw Marion wearing a black and white apron with words on the front saying "Kiss The Cook".
I almost laughed, he looked completely different from that scary person I saw at my door. Now he looks like a housewife preparing dinner.

Charlie: Hey Marion! What are you doing here? And what's that smell?! It's so good!

Marion turned around to see who it was.

Marion: Oh there you are Charlie! I was about to call for you! I made dinner for everyone so could you please call the rest here?

Charlie: This is for us?! Thanks Marion! This looks really good!

Marion cooked lemon chicken with lettuce on the side, there was also I couple of poached eggs on the plate, there was some kind of sauce surrounding the whole thing. That was probably the cause of that heavenly smell.

Marion: It's no problem, if ya need seconds just call for me. I'll be in my room in my music box, also one thing, do not open the music box without my consent. Especially when the music is playing. If you need me just knock on the side of the box three times.

Marion then proceeded to put the food on the plates and floated out of the kitchen, leaving his apron hanging on the door.

Charlie was confused on why Marion told them not to touch his music box, but decided not to pry. She went to call everyone else.
Everyone was drooling at the sight, even Alastor was happy with the sight of good food.

When everyone asked who cooked it, you could have been laughing on the floor from their shocked faces when I told them it was Marion who cooked it.

Everyone took a seat and began digging in, most of us wolfed down the food. I could understand why, the food was too damn good, it was like some sort of high classed chef's masterpiece. I never tasted anything so good in my life before. If I was to eat this everyday I'm no longer gonna be able to enjoy normal food anymore.

Everyone was satisfied, I think i made a really good decision accepting Marion's job application. I wonder how the guests we'll be having will think when the food they're eating is cooked by one of the most powerful and scary beings in all of hell.

Welp, only time will tell.

The Puppet (Hazbin Hotel x Marionette OC) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now