Part 8

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Marion's POV

After getting all the groceries with the help of Nifty, and making and finishing dinner. I levitated back to my music box, only to be stopped by Alastor.

Alastor: Well hello my String fellow! Could you come with me for a bit? I have a few things I wish to speak to you in private.

I nodded, thinking that if the famous radio demon wanted to talk to me privately, he must be wanting to talk about something serious.

He snapped his fingers, and we both arrived in a spot in the hotel where no one was near.
He then spoke,

Alastor: My dear, I am concerned of the safety of this hotel, even with two overlords which are you and I. There are other overlords who may cause harm to this hotel as I am in it. One particular overlord i am concerned about is Vox.
I'm sure you have heard of him before, he and I do not have the best relationship....I am worried that this hotel may be in danger. Could I ask of you to help me with this problem?

I thought about it for awhile, then nodded.
He sighed in relief, it seems he really cares for this hotel huh? Hmmm, how do I ensure that the television demon doesn't attack this hotel?

Then an idea hit me, I could just visit him!
Maybe we can talk things out, I've never met him before so this might be a good chance to meet with another one of the overlords.

The area around me glitched, then I teleported. Leaving behind a confused Alastor.

I teleported in the middle of pentagram city, I then looked around. I spotted a few sinners walking by, I tapped the woman's shoulder.

Marion: Excuse me Miss? May I ask if you kn-

The male demon beside her swung his fist at me, only to be caught without effort with my hand.

Male sinner: Back off punk! This chick's mine got it?

They looked at me for awhile glancing between each other, then realisation hit them like a truck.
The look on their faces when they realised who I was, priceless. I chuckled to myself,
'How amusing, it's been awhile since someone has dared to throw a punch at me, perhaps I'll let this slide once.'

I let go of the male sinner's fist and immediately the both of them bowed and apologised frantically. Other demons passing by began to run away, hmph, how shameful.

I insisted that it was okay, and asked them,

Marion: Ahem, as I was saying, do you know the location of the overlord Vox? I wish to see him.

They looked at each other for awhile, then told me the whereabouts of the television demon.
I thanked them and left, levitating towards the location of the overlord.

*sigh* Out of all the places why the porn building?....

It was quite the tall building, I walked inside and saw a female sinner at the front desk. I floated to her, she managed to spot me, and was about to run away until...

Marion: Excuse me Miss? May I ask if Vox the television demon is present in this building currently? I wish to meet him.

She looked at me, trying to see if I had any bad intentions. She eventually nodded and I thanked her and levitated towards the lift.

Once the lift was open, I decided to walk from here on out. I walked into the lift filled with sinners sweating profusely.
I turned to one of them,

Marion: Lovely weather we're having today, how's your day?

The sinner shakily and fearfully said it was okay.
I nodded and waited for the lift to reach my level.

The Puppet (Hazbin Hotel x Marionette OC) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now