Part 12

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(1 week later)

Marion's POV

It's has been a week, I have finally turned back into a male, and as soon as I had woken up and finished washing up, Nifty was inside my room with her cleaning materials.

Marion: Hey Nifty, Good Morn-

She ran up to me and leaped into my arms and lifted my mask halfway, then proceeded to drown me in kisses. For some people, they'd be quite annoyed or disturbed by this...but not me.....

My face turned red, and my knees felt weak, my heart was pounding hard inside my chest.
Due to my lack of response, Nifty worriedly asked me,

Nifty: Um...Marion, was that too much...? I-I'm sorry...I-

I hugged her closer to my chest, and stayed like this.

Nifty: Um, M-Marion? What are you doing?

I simply answered,

Marion: I'm charging up my Darling Energy~

She then blushed, and looked away, this only made her look cuter tho...

After 5 minutes I finally let her go, she gave me one last kiss to the cheek and went to clean the room.
I said bye to her, and headed out, once I reached the lobby, I was quite....disturbed for some reason....

I then saw Charlie smirking at me, she then walked over to me and elbowed my chest,

Charlie: So how was that little morning surprise?

I then blushed, I simply coughed a little,

Marion: I-it was....

Charlie looked at me, still smirking. was amazing....

She squealed, and began to congratulate me yet again, you see over this past week, everyone came to give me their congratulations. It seemed Nifty told them, but what I'm quite embarrassed that she told me that time where I kissed her and called her...Darling....

I excused myself from the lobby, and headed outside, I thought to myself,
'What do I do today hm?'

Suddenly, I heard crying, I rushed to the source, but to my surprise, I reached the door to Angel Dust's room....

I knocked the door worriedly, the sobbing stopped, I then heard some materials being moved around, he then opened the door and gave me fake smile.

Angel Dust: O-oh hey Marion, what do ya need from me?

I said in a serious tone,

Marion: Why were you crying Angel Dust?

He then flinched, his smile dropped, and he began to close the door. I used my strings to sew the door open with the snap of a finger.

Angel Dust: L-look Marion, I don't wanna talk about this.....

Marion: I know you don't, but I want, no, I need to help you. Hiding things from me is a bad move, I'll eventually find out. *sigh* Look Angel Dust please tell me what's wrong with you. I'll do everything I can to help you. Okay? So please just talk to me.

He looked at me for a few minutes, then he sighed,

Angel Dust: F-fine....but please...don't get anyone else involved in this...and keep this a secret too!

I nodded, acknowledging his request.
He gestured me into his room, I untied the strings and entered the room, and close the door behind me.

He then motioned me to come sit on his bed, this time I knew he wasn't up to anything....perverted.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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