Part 3

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Charlie POV
After the whole reporter fight, we're back at the happy hotel.

Charlie: *sigh* It seems that it didn't work huh?

Vaggie: It's mostly his fault.

Angel Dust: Hey! At least you didn't get lectured by a puppet!

Charlie/Vaggie: Puppet?

Angel Dust: I may not be big on politics but at least I know "The Marionette". We destroyed his house and he was super pissed.

Vaggie: Wait so that wave of bloodlust was actually "The Marionette"?! And you destroyed his house?! What if he wants to kill us?!

Angel Dust: Oh relax! He isn't all that bad, all he did was tie us up and gave us a lecture on not destroying houses, and then he let us go.

Vaggie:*sigh* We don't need an angry overlord after us. Especially "The Marionette", if he decides to kill us then we are dead.

Angel Dust: It's not like he'll attack Charlie, she's the daughter of hell for fucks sake. No way he would hurt her.

Vaggie: They say he shows no mercy to anyone, be it king or overlord, Man or child. He will kill all who defies him.

Angel Dust: Well shit.

Charlie: Cmon guys, it's not like he's gonna show up at our front door and kill us.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

All: .....

Angel Dust: I'm not getting that.

Charlie: *sigh* Its not him okay? I'll just open the door...

Alastor: He..


Charlie: Um Vaggie?

Vaggie: Yeah?

Charlie: The radio demon is at the door...

Vaggie: What?!

Charlie: What do I do?!

Vaggie: Well don't let him in!

Okay Charlie cmon your the princess of hell, like dad once said, don't take shit from other demons...
*opens door*

Alastor: May I speak now?

Charlie: You may..?

*10 mins later*

Charlie: Now that we have help, we can do this! This is gonna be so go-
*knock* *knock* *knock*
All: ....

Alastor: I'll get it!
*Alastor opens door*

A black feminine figure with some white stands there with a mask on his face. His black emotionless mask eyes stare straight into your soul. His floating figure gives of a sense of power.

Marion: Oh my, did I come at a bad time?

All except Husk, Nifty, Alastor: WHAT?!!!?

Angel Dust: Oh Shit he's here to kill me!

Marion: Don't worry I'm not here to kill you Angel Dust.

Charlie:*ahem* U-um then why are you here Mr Marionette?

Marion: Please, call me Marion, and as for why I'm here, I'm here to apply for a job and perhaps rent a room for myself.

Charlie: ....Um no offence Mr Marion but why would an overlord like you want to apply for a job here?

Marion: None taken dear princess, as for your question, well firstly, my house was destroyed, I have nowhere to live. Secondly, I heard about your passion project and decided to help out, I found it quite interesting.

The Puppet (Hazbin Hotel x Marionette OC) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now