Part 11

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Nifty's POV

After regaining my consciousness, I then thought back when Marion was in front of me.

I hadn't even noticed I was drooling..until...

Charlie: Nifty are you okay? Are you hungry? You're drooling.

I quickly wiped away my drool, a blush evident on my face.

Nifty: I-it's nothing! So is there anywhere that you feel is dirty today?

Charlie excitedly told me,

Charlie: Why yes! One of our guest's room has yet to be cleaned! How about you go clean his room, maybe ask him if he needs anything.

Ever since a few days ago, guests started arriving, Charlie couldn't be more happier. Her dream was becoming closer and closer.

I nodded and began to run to the room, cleaning materials in my hand.

Once I reached, I knocked, and the door opened, revealing a big male figure.

Male sinner: Why hello there~ What brings you here to my room little missy~

Nifty: I'm here to clean your room! Could you please let me in?

He moved outta the way and I quickly began cleaning, after awhile, I was finished and was about to leave until I felt someone pull me away from the door...

Male sinner: Where do you think your going little missy~ I haven't thanked you for your kind services~ What's more? You have yet to clean one more spot~

He was licking my face, I screamed but he held my mouth with one hand. Tears were streaming down my eye, I tried breaking free but he was too strong, he was about to kiss me until.....


The person went flying straight into the wall, the wall cracked, and he fell down on the ground, unconscious.

I looked at the cause of this, I saw a tall curvy figure, with really long fingers and a familiar mask.
I instantly recognised him, it was Marion.

Two of his long fingers slowly made their way towards me, they gently coiled around my waist and lifted me up, then pulling me closer to Marion.

He held me to his chest, I was relieved but really scared, I managed to muster out...

Nifty: *sniff* T-thank you Marion *sniff* Th-

He held me close to his shoulder, I got his message and broke down in tears I hugged him and cried my eyes out.

I've never felt so scared in my afterlife....


Marion's POV

I was fuming in anger, i made my way to the lobby where everybody was and decided to inform Charlie on what happened.

I walked towards her, everybody was on guard but the next second they relaxed, but worried as they recognised my mask and saw how angry I was.

Charlie: Oh he-

She stopped in the middle of her sentence, seeing Nifty now softly crying into my shoulder.

Night Marion: I don't want to waste time so I'll keep this short Charlie, This little piece of shit..

I extended my fingers further, making him hang from the air. Everybody winded as they have never heard me use this type of language, I was always polite, but now, I was pissed.

The Puppet (Hazbin Hotel x Marionette OC) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now