Part 2

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(15 years later)
(Marion's POV)
I was having a lovely day at my house at the west side of pentagram city. I was making myself some tea when all of a sudden there were fireworks outside.
'Must be the princess' I thought.
Seems like 'the cleanse' is finally over.
Those god damn exterminators are so damn annoying.
Oh well , time to see what's on the news. I sat down on my music box with my tea in hand and switched on the television.
"Good afternoon, I'm Katie Killjoy, and I'm Tom Trench..."
Marion: I wonder what I'll have for dinner.
"...Coming up next we have an exclusive interview interview with our daughter of hell's own head honcho, who's here to discuss her brand-new passion project..."
Marion: The princess hm? I wonder what she's planning.

(After Charlie's speech and song)

(666 news): .... Porn actor Angel Dust!....

Marion: *sigh* Not them again...

I have a major dislike for people who do pornography, why? Well when you are constantly being asked to fuck one in the ass, you'd find it annoying. Not enough to convince you why I dislike em? Well multiply this scenario about a dozen times.

They honestly have no respect. Well not like any of the other sinners have it either.
During my time down here, I've made quite a reputation for myself.
Once I found out I was in hell, I started to walk around and explore. I found a bar nearby and decided to ask what to do around here.


As I walked into the bar, I saw many different types of people. I saw people with horns, tails, and some of em even have animal features.
Marion: ...Very interesting...
I couldn't hold in my excitement. Why? Well that's because I'm finally free! Finally free of the pain and torture, the constant abuse, be it mentally or physically. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want!
I walked towards the bartender, I then ask him.

Marion: Hey there um, may I ask for any advice for people who just came down to hell? Like is there anything to that I have to do?

Even if it's hell, I always remember to stay polite, after all I don't want to make a bad first impression.

He looked at me and then smirked.

Bartender: A newcomer eh? Tell ya what, how about you "entertain" me and my boys in this fine establishment. That's one thing to do here in hell, ain't it boys?

The rest of the bar then suddenly cheered and some even looked at me, eyes filled with lust.
I knew what he meant as soon as he said that, I wasn't oblivious to the dangers of the world when I was alive of course.
I was angry, the one thing I absolutely hated was rape and prostitution. They disgusted me, using people to satisfy your lust be it forceful or paid was wrong. At the same time it's not my fault that my body looks feminine!
I felt my fingers twitch at the thought of it.
All of a sudden strings came out of my fingers and music started to play.
The rest of the bar were confused, after all a bar doesn't have these kinds of music so where could that sound come from?
Then the music started to become louder and louder, becoming more and more distorted by the second.
They finally realised where the music was coming from, but it was far too late.
In a blink of an eye, the entire bar was filled with strings, surrounding the sinners within.

Random guy 1: Oi what the hell is this!
Random guy 2: I can't move!
Random guy 3: Oi let us go ya bastard!

I smiled under my mask, happy about my new found power. I looked at their faces, I saw despair plastered onto them. One of my eyes started to light up and was able to be seen on my mask, making them even more scared of me. Some even pissed their pants.
Tch, cowards.
I then started to laugh.
They were beyond terrified, some already fainted from the fear. Oh well at least they won't be able to feel what I'm about to do to them.

The Puppet (Hazbin Hotel x Marionette OC) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now