Chapter 4

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Bring bring! My alarm loudly went off. I zombie walked out of bed and picked out my clothes. I picked out black ripped skinny jeans and a tank top. I did my hair in a braid and added a head band. I had breakfast and brushed my teeth when i got a text.

FROM: Luke is a sexy penguin
Hey I'm coming to pick u up. be ready in 5.

How the hell did he get my number? He must of got it when he had my phone last night.

TO: luke is a sexy penguin
Ok thanks :)

I Replied. I stuffed around for 5 minutes because i were already ready. ding dong! My door bell rang. I got my bag and everything and went to the door. "hey and nice contact name" i laughed. "I know right it's so true tho" he sassed. "What ever floats ya boat" I smirked. we both walked out the door and onto the foot path. "So what's happening best friend?" He asked. "nothing much best friend what about u" i ask. "nothing much. but I have this best friend and she's such a freak like oh my god" he joked. I slapped his arm and pouted. "don't be mean" i say. " I'm sowwy" he says in a baby voice and grabs you into a hug. I hug back until we here a high pitch voice say "hey new boy your really hot you should so date me!" We both turn around and see Becca (no offence to anyone who's name is becca)she's the schools popular girl who thinks she can get any boy she wants. she's pretty but she cakes her make up which kinda makes her a bit unattractive. I hope Luke doesn't fall into her trap because she plays with boys. she will date them and then sleep with them and leave them in the morning. she can't have Luke he's to good for her. he wouldn't like her anyway. oh but weren't i wrong. "hey your not to bad your self" he winks back. she giggles and walks up to him with her gang behind her. she grabs his face and smashes her lips onto his. Luke's frozen for a bit but soon kisses back. now they are having a full make out session. I turn away not being able to handle this disgustingness. She pulls away and says "does this mean we're dating now?" she asked in a sweet tone. "of course" he replies. My mouth dropped and i felt the tears and angriness rising up my body. "DONT YOU DARE PLAY HIM LIKE YOU DO TO EVERYONE ELSE OK? HE IS WORTH SO MUCH MORE THAN A ONE NIGHT STAND!" I yell at her. "if you EVER hurt him I'll hurt so much so watch your back" I yell again. "Come on luke lets go" i say grabbing his arm. he says good bye to the player also known as his girlfriend and walks away with me. "wow Amelia what was that about?" He asked a slight bit angry. " "every boy she dates she uses them as a one night stand and I'm not joking every single boy. she'll sleep with you and then dump you in the morning" I tell the truth. "Oh" is all he says. I seriously can't believe out of all the girls he picks her. We both reach your first class and guess who's there? Becca is! "Hey Lukey sit next to me" she says while patting the seat next to her. he walks away and sits next to her. and I'm stuck alone.

The bell rings signalling lunch and everyone runs to the cafeteria. I walk to my locker and put my stuff away. I turn around when someone tickled my waist. "lukeeeeee stoppppp" i laugh. "Hey Amelia u coming?" He asks. I nod my head and you both walk to the cafeteria. We both sit at a table and start eating. we start chatting and stuff. "hey what are u doing after school?" I ask. "I'm going to becca's place" he replies. "oh cool but just remember what I told you ok?" I say. he nods his head in reply.

Bring! The bell goes for the end of the day and i start waking home. since I'm alone I'm going to watch movies. It Friday night so I can stay up late.

It was now 12 o clock and I'm really tired so I head to bed. I hopped into bed and started to relax. I wonder how Luke's going? I end up falling asleep thinking about Luke.

Bring bring! My phone rings and it's luke "hey luke what's up?" You ask. "y-y-you were right" he sniffles. "Im always right luke anyway I'll come over" you say sweetly. He chucked and says good bye.
You knock on the door to Luke's home and a pretty blonde lady answers. "hey I'm Amelia Luke's best friend um Luke wanted me to come over" you say shyly. "hey sweetie I'm liz Luke's mum come in" she says sweetly. I smile at her and she shows me his room. "he hasn't came out at all. can you please try and get him to come out?" Of course mrs Hemmings" I smile. I knock on the door. "luke can I come in?" I hear rustling I his room and the door unlock. I walk in and Luke was curled up in a ball in his bed. I sit on the bed next to him and rub his face. "jez it's hot in here. it's probably because I'm in here" I here him chuckle a bit. he moves the blanket and he sat up. "hey" i say. "hi" he replies."tell me what happened" I say. he nods his head and starts. "I went over there just to hang out so we were hanging out. it was 10.00 and she grabbed me and started kissing me and I kissed back but then she reached for my pants and I moved her hand away but she kept on moving her hand back so I said I was going and she asked me If I could sleep over and I agreed. we didn't do anything but when we woke up she said she was breaking up with me because I wouldn't do anything" he said and started crying . I grabbed him pulled him into a hug and he cried on my shoulder." you were right Amelia she was going to use me" he cried. "is it a bad time to say I told you so" you ask. he just laughed. "you are the bestest best friend I have ever had Amelia- Grace" he states. "you are the bestest best friend I have ever had too penguin" i say. we sat there in silence it wasn't a awkward silence it was comforting. "oh my god I have a nickname for you,baby penguin" he says excitingly. "then your nickname is big penguin" I say." Thank you for everything baby penguin" he thanks. "anything for you big penguin" you honestly say.

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