Part 20

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Erins POV

Hallies been back almsot an hour and still rambling on about her time with Jay. Half the stories I had to pretend to be intregued in and pretend I hadn't a clue about them, just to please her- she was so happy and exited and I didnt have the heart to bust her bubble. "I cant believe you told your scary Sargent to kiss your ass!" Hallie chuckles. "Im special so I could get away with alot more" I reply smugly smiling. "You sound like you really loved Chicago" Julain mutters, slightly listening to Hallie and myselfs conversation. "Ye, I did. It was time for me to move on- It was best for  everyone" I reply, genuinely meaning it but part of me misses Chicago alot more than I let on. Dont get me wrong, I love Tree Hill- its were i grew up till I was sixteen- but Chicago is where I became an adult and became me. "Why?" Hallie asks intergued, having not heard about Chicago me before this week she had alot of questions. Julian seemed interested but hoped it was completely behind me- he still doesn't know all of it. "There was alot of things that happened. I got into trouble- which got the team into trouble and my mum- Bunny- got into major trouble too" I explain, not wanting to have to explain anymore- especially to Hallie. "I thought your mum was called Victoria?" Julian questions. "Victoria Barbera- Bunny was her nickname" I reply, glaring at Julian. "Why bun.." Hallie starts to ask but I butt in telling her I havent a clue- and I really don't. "Im gonna go play out with Jamie and Maddison" Hallie announces, making her way briskfully to the door. "Bye" Julian shouts, but can't be heard over the slam of the door closing.

Julian and I sit for a while at the breakfast bar, cutting up salad and other bits and pieces for tea. "We gotta talk Julian. You've been off since Jay got here, please tell me what's up" I say breaking the silence. "You and Jay, there's still something between you. I just guess I gotta little jelous, its not your or Jays fault" Julian says bright red and embarrassed. "Hey, you've got nothing to be worried about. Jay and I ended it along time ago, a week or two before I let. It was his decision- even if it wasn't it ended for a reason. Julian, im completely in love you and our family- im not going anywhere" I reassure Julian, feeling awful that he felt the way he did. "Sorry" Julain sheepishly apologises. Instead of saying anything, I put the knife down and lean into Julian for a kiss. "I love you Brooke Davis" Julian smiles "I love you too" I smile back, feeling the redness spread across my cheeks.

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