Part 51

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General POV

It was the morning Julian, Brooke and the twins are flying back to Tree Hill. Brooke and Julian were sad to see there daughter isnt coming back with them, but they know its for her best interest- and obviously she will be visiting all the time. "Mum, have you got everything you need?" Hallie asks, packing Jude and Davis' bag. "Yep, I got everything" Erin smiles, trying the keep the tears in. "You sure you want to do this?" Erin double checks, completely on bored with what Hallie wants but also wants her daughter with her . "Yes, ill visit all the time I promise" Hallie says, taking her mum by the hand. "Mum, you will always be my first mum and always be my mum. Ill come visit all of you all the time" Hallie promises Erin, both of them now crying. "Come here" Erin says, pulling Hallie into a hug. "I love you so much" She adds, still having a tight hold on Hallie- never wanting to let go. "I love you too mum" Hallie replies, pulling away. "Come on, we should get going. Julians meeting you at the airport" Hallie smiles, taking the twins bag in one hand and her mums hand in the other.

Erin and Hallie walk into the living area, were Jay is playing with the two boys. "Im gonna miss them" Jay smiles, looking up when he sees the two girls. "Ye well, your gonna see alot more of them when we come visit Hallie or she comes to us" Erin smiles, looking at Jay in the eye- the spark still there from years ago. "We should get going" Jay says, picking both twins up at the same time like a complete pro. "Yep, I guess. I'm gonna miss it here" Erin sadly smiles, not realising how much she missed Chicago and all her friends here. "Were gonna miss you Er" Jay smiles, calling Erin by her nickname. "Ye" Erin whispers, looking down at the floor- actually trying to hide her blushing cheeks. Not long after they were all out the door.

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