Chapter 27

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Your POV
The wound on my chest had healed by the time I got to the basement.
"Allison!" My voice echoes off the walls.
I walk down the staircase and see an isle of doors.
I open one and am blasted by a voice screaming for help but sadly I had to close the door. Quietly I tip-toe to the next door and this time I hear sobs. Stiles. I step into the room. He looks up.
"What are you doing here?" He asks and his eyes widen.
"Saving you." I say, untying the ropes around him.
"No, you have to leave. You have to go!"
"I'm not leaving you!" I say. I untie the ropes and flick my wrist, making the door open.
"Let's go!" I say heading out the door with Stiles close behind.
"She's in one of the rooms so we better hurry before she leaves." He whispers.
We hurry up the stairs and I lead him upstairs.
"Stiles!" Scott says, he reaches out his arms and the two hug.
"Lydia!" He says turning to her. He hugs her too and she blushes. They then turn to me.
"Where did u go?" Scott asks.
"Where do you think I went?" I ask, gesturing to Stiles. He waves.
"Ugh, don't do it again." Lydia says.
"Sorry." I put my head down, "wait Scott, what particularly did Allison used to hate?" I ask him.
"Oh u don't know, maybe people underestimating her, and for sure people who kill out of cold blood." He tells me.
"Okay. She will love that now, and I can get my way into her by doing those things... Well not kill, but tell her I killed someone." I say.
"Sounds like a plan, just please try not to get killed." Scott states.
"Thanks for the pep- talk, Herb Brooke's." I say sarcastically. I grab the door handle and make my way to the basement.

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