Talk It Out

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Vanessa brings in the grocery bags and sets them on the table, Aiden following behind with a gallon of milk and a case of beer. Vanessa had asked to have a "friendsgiving" since her family lived away. I peer out the window at the falling leaves.

Fall had always been my favorite time of year. Nothing died and froze from the cold like in winter, and nothing was scorched to death in the hot Summer sun. It was a balanced season. I loved balance. However as in life, the best season was always the quickest.

I look over the bags and notice there is no turkey. Thank goodness. I hated turkey. Nonetheless I have to make a comment about it.

She looks at me as I rise from my seat at the counter and begin aiding in putting the groceries away. "No turkey?"

"No, I hate it and so does James so there's no good reason to make everyone suffer through one right?"

I nod in agreement. "I don't like turkey either. Too bland and dry"

She laughs in relief and looks over to Aiden "looks like you're the only one with bad taste around here" she jests and sticks her tongue out at him. He quickly swoops in and wraps his hands around her waist, taking advantage of her protruding tongue. All at once he latches his mouth onto hers, making way for an awkward make out session.

"Get a fucking room guys" James says entering the kitchen. Vanessa pushes Aiden off despite his juvenile attempts to hold onto her and steal another kiss.

"No stop..." She giggles, pulling away from his grip, "James is right you need to be more respectful".

"Sorry you're just so beautiful" he replies, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead.

I roll my eyes but James pipes up from the couch "Gross" he says.

Thank you James. Couldn't have said it better myself.

I pull the pie dough and a can of pumpkin from the brown paper bag. Our local grocery store had recently made the choice to switch over to paper bags once again to help the environment. James and Aiden never ceased to bitch about how much they hated it, how much of an inconvenience it was, but I was grateful. As they say, there is no 'Planet B'.

"Oh right, Aiden said you liked to bake so I was hoping you'd make the pie?" She asks

"Absolutely, no problem" I assure her.

"Thank you!" she sings "I hate baking, I'm much better at cooking." She faces Aiden "don't think that doesn't mean you won't be helping us cook mister" she scolds him in the sweetest way. One thing I appreciated about Vanessa. She never let Aiden sit on his ass.

"Is Colton coming?" Vanessa asks, and I notice a strange look come over Aiden's face. Not jealousy, discomfort or even anger.... I couldn't read it.

"He's spending it with his siblings" I tell her and I notice Aiden's shoulders relax.


That tension.

That sudden relaxation.

That pissed me off.

I didn't say a word about Vanessa being around all the time, despite how much I liked her. She was over almost every night, and yet I hadn't invited Colton over for fear of the tension. Aiden had given me such a judgemental stare the night I confessed I was with Colton I could hardly stand to look at him for a week.

So I choose to do it again. I push it. I push the buttons that I've come to realize only I can push.

I do it because I'm irritated.

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