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I was irritated by the feeling of sand in my shoes as I buckled my seat belt. I looked up at the windshield and saw Dr. Carlson's car pull around and down the road. I chose not to say anything to him, I just got in my car and let the awkward departure speak for itself. He had to understand what we had wasn't normal. It wasn't simple or easy. It was complex. It had layers.

I picked up my phone and saw two missed calls from Aiden and a few texts. Immediately I hit the redial button.

"Hey," he answered after only one ring, "are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine I just stopped for a few minutes to look at the beach" I could hear him sigh on the other end of the line

"Ok good, I didn't know if you decided to stay with Allison or-"

"No I'm on my way home now, I'll see you soon"


When I pulled into the driveway I took a few minutes to bang my shoes on the side of my car. I shuffled around in the yard a few times on the grass trying to remove the remnants of the sand from between my toes. I looked up and was suddenly aware that I was shuffling in the front yard of my house, in the dark, in what was considered the "bad" side of town. I quickly grabbed my keys and unlocked the door, trying to shake the feeling of a monster on my back.

I threw my shoes into the front room avoiding the shoe mat altogether and started immediately up over the stairs. I didn't hesitate to open Aiden's door and climb immediately into his bed. Nothing gave me more joy than finally being able to freely climb into bed beside him, like I had wanted to for all these years.

"Hey," he said, reaching for me in the dark "why are you still in your dress?"

"Sorry I'm just tired. You're right though I want to get something more comfy on. Plus we shouldn't be in here, James has boundary issues with you apparently" I nudged him reminding him of a few weeks ago when Jamie had just burst in.

We moved quietly into my room and I switched on the overhead light, it's harsh brightness blinded me for a minute. I watched Aiden move to pull back my covers "um, excuse me?" I said in an expectant tone. He looked up a little confused and embarrassed until he saw me with my arms over my head.

I smiled flirtatiously at him and let one hand trail down the other arm "I need help please". He wasted no time coming up behind me and running his fingers tips down my arms. My skin went electric as I felt his lips on my neck.

I wrapped my arms up behind me and around his neck. I allowed his hands to wander wherever they wanted, before he reached for the hem of my skirt and bunched it in his hands, pulling the dress gently up over my head. I could feel how excited he was getting.

"I want to sleep" I said bluntly and I felt the breath from his laugh in my hair.

"I know. I can't help how beautiful you are" his hand trailed from my stomach, to my sides, and behind my back reaching for the clasp on my bra. I closed my eyes enjoying the moment of intimacy, however brief. I bent down into the bureau drawer in front of me and grabbed a large t-shirt and pajama pants.

He laughed as he held my bra in the light, inspecting it. "What?" I asked slightly annoyed, pulling the soft cotton pants up around my waist.

"You know you have big boobs when you could fit a bowl of soup in your bra" he teased. I grabbed it quickly and through it into the laundry basket.

"Shut the fuck up and get into bed".

"I didn't say it was a bad thing, you know I love it."

"Yes I know just how obsessed you are with my boobs, but they are a pain in the ass. If I could afford surgery I would take care of them."

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