Chapter 1

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I do not own paw patrol

(Rocky's POV)

It has been a year since Ryder took me in. I remember it like it was yesterday. The time, the place and the story behind it.

He was also there, Zuma, was there. Even though the Chocolate Labrador is a year younger than me, he was more aggressive than me that day. He ended up pinning me on the ground, stomach to the floor, his jaws on my neck ready to snap it.

From what I remember, he said they were patrolling to find Marshall. Who apparently ran away because of an argument with Chase. Unfortunately, they found Marshall in an alleyway, beaten up. What's more is that, I was the only pup nearby and I was bleeding from the sides, so they had to apprehend me for interrogation.

True to form, I was innocent, but it's not like they'll believe me. It only got worse since I was a stray and don't have any records in Adventure Bay. I still remember how Chase's aura felt like when he's angry, he looked like Cerberus in a form of a German Shepard. Thankfully, Marshall has proven my innocence and I was taken care by Ryder from that day forward.

Sure, it wasn't a good start, since they saw me me as a troublesome one, but Zuma helped me changed their minds with a little bit of begging and pleading. Inventions here and there to woo them. Chase was trying his best not to enjoy the moment and had a stern figure, but Marshall helped me with that and soon we all became friends.

After a month later, I proved my trustworthiness and ended up being close with everyone else. Especially Zuma he's like my best friend or my little brother. How did he and I got close? I don't know. He just started to get close to me when they found out I was aquaphobic, in fact he's given me some lessons once in a while.

Even if they completely trust me and I completely trust them. I'm still afraid of talking about my past. Zuma got them to make a pact, "Never ever ask Rocky about his past, until he's ready."

Today, on this lovely afternoon. The sun is shining but it wasn't too hot nor too cold. No missions for the day and nothing to stop me from enjoying the moment of this mid-August breeze. The silent rustling of the bushes and the chirping of the birds calm me down.

"Hey, Wocky!"

I turn to face the Chocolate Labrador, his tail was wagging with immense speed. "What's up, Zoom?"

"Stop calling me Zoom. It's embarrassing." He says it as a pink hue strip painted his face.

"Stop calling me Wocky, it's too cute." I continued, "You and I both know that we can't help it." He blushes intensely.

"W-well... I-I-I..." he stops, he stomps his right paw forward and continued. "I was about to ask if you wanted to play but, seeing all you want to do is to tease me all day, then I guess I'm going to play by myself."

"H-hey! That's not fair!"

"And teasing me about my speech impediment isn't faiw."

I went over and nuzzled him, my neck touching his. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." I feel him tensed up but soon relaxes, yet his tail was wagging more ferociously. "You know I like the way you call my name, right?"

He didn't spoke a word, just nods and so I continued. "So, how about we go out and play? In fact, you can have my company for the whole day. Just you and me, now that Ryder and I finished making... stuff."

I move back and the Lab nodded with force, "Okay, Wocky. But fiwst!" He moves closer to boop me on the nose, I flinched a little. "Tag, you'we it!" And he took off.

After realizing what just happened I ran after him, screaming, "That's so cheap, Zuma!" On the top of my lungs, as I chase after the Labrador.

Today was great, at it keeps on getting better. We went and played near the beach, Zuma went windsurfing. I even got to try para-sailing, but the fact that I'm hovering above water was scaring me so we cut that a little shorter that expected. We have gone to Katie's pet parlor, because we were covered in dirt after we played frisbee with Chase and Marshall and ended up watching for the meantime, as we wait for dinner.

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