Chapter 8

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(I don't own paw patrol)

(Rocky's POV)

The four of us exited the house with one goal in mind, "get everyone then think of a way out." That's the only thing we thought of earlier.

"What do you mean that it's useless to ask help?" I asked the white haired teen, his eyes make it hard for me to unveil his reactions and motives. "We can't just sit here and wait, Martin. We need to go out and call for help -- the others are in danger!"

"Do you even have a plan?" With that one question he made me lose my ground. Then he bombarded me with several more. "Do you know if it's safe? How can you think of going out there, when these two are barely safe right now? Where do you think they are? Do you even know what's happening? See? You know nothing, so why would you go out without assessing the situation fully?"

His tone set me aback. Of course I don't, but he freaking knows what's up. So I turn the questions against him. "And what about you, Martin Morales. What do you know about this hell hole?"

"For one, this isn't new, Rocky. The local media and the people know about this -- that's why people still live here. The town is currently locked up, as far as I know -- they close the town out every year to avoid anything scandalous; I didn't think I needed to tell you guys, because I thought it wouldn't affect us -- this year."

"What do you mean, "this year", it is clearly happening right now!?"

"It doesn't happen every year, Rocky. I know you saw the newspapers, the day is the same, but the year isn't sequential. That's why people don't leave this place, they expect it -- they aren't afraid of it."

"Why? This clearly isn't a good thing, Martin. In fact, you were also in the newspaper, claiming that you know what to do if it happened. Next thing I read, you were fine and unscathed."

" I escaped my nightmares, only those who didn't experience it before are the ones who can only be affected by it. People who've already been in the hysteria, at least once, are immune to the next ones. This year, it affected everyone -- even me."

"So you're telling me, today is... different. That something is special on this day, that's why everyone has gone mad and we nearly died. I could've drowned in the falls if I didn't snap out of it. Zuma would have died hanging in a noose if I wasn't there. Marshall might have bled out because he was scratching a door, and right now, we're wasting time to save the others. Just carry Marshall and we'll get the others somewhere safe."

The teenager stared right through me, suspicious as always. He took a deep breath, then muttered. "You're still sane, even after that, still you don't know everything yet, none of us do."

He walks, carrying the fire pup in his arms he look back at me as he approached the door. "Hurry up, I know where one of the others might be. All thanks to what you just said."

What does he mean by that? He still gives this weird sentences that boggles my mind, as if he was testing my knowledge of my surroundings. ARGH!

At the moment, we're walking the path towards the rest of town. It was calm for most of the walk, until we saw one
large hole on the steel-fenced road, bented away from the road, looking as if it came from outside the forest. Something entered through there -- desperately.

"Let's go." Martin said.

We made our way in. The surrounding trees were eerie and unnerving, like something was watching us look miserable and lost. The trees look dead from this dark night, without any sort of luminescence other than a flashlight, we're pretty much fighting darkness itself. And its spawns.

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