Concluded Reason

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Well now, to get to the real point of this whole thing, after watching Locke & Key and seeing Kinsey's mind especially, it got me thinking of what my mind would look like. What my memory warehouse would look like and be filled with. 

It also had me wondering and curious as to how others see themselves. Not to mention it gives you the chance to really think of how your mind works. 

When you look into your own head, what do you see? Aside from chaos, obviously. We're writers, artists, we wouldn't be good ones if we didn't have some kind of chaos going on. 

Are you whimsical like Bode? Colorful neat-freak like Kinsey? 

One long hallway with doors or multilevel? 

Lots of green and outdoorsy or all concrete jungle?

What does the door look like that takes you into your mind? Bode's was a toybox, Kinsey's was a revolving door with clouded glass. I'm thinking mine would be like a hidden door in a bookcase type deal

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