Chapter 1 ~ Morning

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Hinata POV

I've never been so excited before in my entire life. I've been jumping around my room for the past 30 minutes and it's about 4:30 am. I'm up way too early for my own good but I can't sleep. I can't wait to spend a month in the mountains for intensive training. It's going to be so freaking awesome. Of course, Kageyama is my roommate which could get annoying. But in the end, I honestly enjoy our bickering sometimes. It's kinda fun. I like messing with him. Which is why I'm going to text him this early.

Hinata: WAKE UP!!!!!!
Hinata: please?

Kageyama: The hell you want?
Kageyama: Why the fuck are you awake. You need sleep!!! Don't be slacking off during training!

Hinata: Come on I'm excited how can I sleep. I won't sack off I'll be a awake and ready today.

Kageyama: You really are a dumbass. Who wakes up at 4:30 in the morning.

Hinata: IM NOT A DUMBASS!!!! I'm excited! And so are you admit it!!!

Kageyama: Am not. Spending a month sharing a room with you. Nightmare.

Hinata: Hey I'm not a nightmare!!!
Hinata: And if you're not excited then why are YOU up at 4:30?
Hinata: Hehe... your not answering!!! That means I'm right!!!!

Kageyama: Oi shut up and go to sleep!!! You don't even have to be up until 6 if your walking anyway. SLEEP!!! If you don't I'll kick your ass.

Hinata: But how will you know if I slept?

Kageyama: No one can be functioning at 100% if they went to bed at 11:30 and woke up at 4:30. Not even you. Sleep goddamnit and quit texting me.

Hinata: Fine fine I'll sleep. Hehe night Bakayama 😏

Kageyama: Fuck off

I sigh and switch off my phone smiling. Even over text, I can tell how pissed he is. I don't mean to piss him off for the most part. Just annoy him really. One of these days he'll get tired of me but that day has yet to come and I pray it doesn't come for a while. He is right though... I need sleep. I'm exhausted. I throw my phone somewhere and then turn over shutting my eyes praying the night fades quickly.

Beep beep beep

It's not too long before I hear my alarm go off. The problem is that I can't find it. I don't remember where I put my phone last night. I know I threw it somewhere but honestly, it was so dark it could have been in any direction.

The beeping is getting so freaking annoying I can't take it. My door suddenly flies open.
"Shōyō turn that off, it's annoying. I can hear it in the other room!"

"Oh sorry Natsu... I umm can't exactly find it hehe..." I scratch my head as she glares at me. She walks in listening to the sound before pulling up the blankets I threw on the floor when I woke up. She picks up the phone and chucks it at me, almost hitting my face if I hadn't caught it. She groans glaring at me again before heading back to her room. For an 8 year old she sure does sleep a lot. I sigh, finally shutting off the annoying sound. I look at my phone to see a text from the captain.

Daichi: Remember if your late to the bus by over 10 minutes you have to do 10 extra laps around the gym. Please try to show up on time.

I groan and check the time. 6:10. Crap. I spent way too much time trying to turn off my damn alarm. I'm gonna be so late!

I quickly rush out of my room and to the bathroom to start getting ready. Luckily I took a shower last night so I should be good this morning. Not like I have time to anyway. I start sprinting around the house making sure I have everything while ignoring my mother's warning about tripping or bumping into something. By 6:25 I race out of my house giving my mom a quick goodbye. I'm normally a lot earlier than this. I really shouldn't have been up at 4:30. He was right.

I start sprinting to the school while carrying a small duffel bag and my backpack. After I make it up the hill I'm totally out of breath. It's almost 7. I have 30 minutes to get to school. Counting the 10 minutes I'm allowed to be late. I slowly walk down the hill trying to catch my breath. I make it into town by 7:20 giving me enough time to make it. I'm technically late but I don't care at this point. I sigh and then feel my phone vibrate.

Kageyama: Damn you're the last one. Your always such a morning person. Wonder what happened? Maybe you're late because you woke up at 4:30 in the morning!!!!

I sigh and quickly respond, keeping one eye on my steps.

Hinata: Hey you were up too!!

Kageyama: But I got here on time and you didn't.

I roll my eyes and don't respond, picking up the pace so they don't have to wait any longer. There are many reasons I didn't get much sleep last night. Mainly because I was excited, but also, I just couldn't stop thinking about him. It's driving me crazy and I don't know why.

I reach the school in about 2 minutes and see everyone waiting like he said. Tsukishima is the first to see me. "Well well well, the ray of sunshine finally decided to show up."

"Wow Hinata. You're normally so early. Everything ok?" Suga smiles at me, distracting me from Tsukishima's snarky comment.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry to make you all wait."

"Don't worry about it. You're here now and that's what counts. Go put your stuff in the back. Everyone else can start boarding." Daichi looks the most awake out of everyone. He is the captain though so he is probably used to getting up this early. Normally I'm the most awake of the group along with Nishinoya. But even he seems tired and worn out today. Weird

I place my stuff in the back and the realization that I didn't eat hits. I didn't bring any food either. This bus ride is going to suck. I would sleep but the excitement that we are finally headed there is overwhelming.

I quickly board the bus and take my seat next to Kageyama who just smirks at me. As the bus heads out I expect him to rub it in that he beat me to the school but he doesn't. Instead, he hands me a granola bar.

"Figured after you were so late you didn't eat. That should hold you over until we reach the cabin." He doesn't look at me when he says it but I can't see a tiny bit of blush on his cheeks. I don't think anything of it. Instead, I focus on the food he gave me.

"Thanks!" I say feeling slightly more energetic as I quickly scarf down the bar. It's gone before I know it and I feel a lot better. All I feel now is excited, nervous, and satisfied with everything. I can't wait for this.


Authors note: {don't care? Then just skip :)}

Ok so this is like the 5th time I've tried to write this fanfic and well I feel kinda good about it. I was literally about to go to sleep but then this new version popped into my head so I started writing. If it sucks then sorry to waist your time.

I happen to have a tik tok where I make anime edits if your into that kinda thing.
The account is: Its2am_WTH.

Yup totally plugging myself right now.

Anyway with quarantine and stuff I have a lot of time on my hands so I tend to post and update pretty frequently.

But ya I'll stop being annoying to anyone who actually read this and let you keep going. It's 3:30 right now and I've decided to suddenly write a fanfic. Yay!!

1365 Words

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