Chapter 30 ~ THE END

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Kenma POV

I sigh when we get off the bus. I honestly did have a lot of fun. It was nice to hang out with everyone but mostly to get more alone time with Kuroo. Our parents rarely go out of town so we don't get a lot of chances to be like that together since we haven't told them.

I keep my focus on my game as Kuroo and I slowly walk towards his house. After a few minutes of walking I decide to put my game away and slowly take Kuroo's hand in mine. He looks down at me in shock and I blush slightly. I'm never really the person who initiates these things. His initial shocks turns into a dumb smirk as he tightens his grip on my hand.

"Hey Ken."


"How do you feel about telling our parents soon?" I bite my lip slightly and look down. It's not that I'm afraid they won't be supportive. I mean maybe that's a little of it. But they said before that they don't care if I date a guy or a girl. Still. It's stressful and the attention tends to be on you. It's not something I would like to do. But it seems like Kuroo wants to.

"I'm...not sure. Why? Do you want to?"

"Yeah. I would like to. But if you're not ready then we can wait. I'm just wondering where you're at." I sigh and look back up and towards the direction we're walking in. I also know that Kuroo's parents will be super supportive. I've overheard them asking Kuroo if we're dating before and they were disappointed when Kuroo said no.

"I...I guess it's ok."


"Yeah. I'm ok if we tell them." He smiles and sighs, squeezing my hand.

"Can we tell them now." I nod and he grins as we slowly walk down the street. Nearing his house.


Oikawa POV

It's way too early to be on the bus. I don't know why they wanted to leave this early. We didn't even get breakfast. I'm relieved when the bus stops and we all file off. I'm super hungry and tired. I hold onto Iwa's hand tightly as we step out into the fresh air. Coach sends us home mentioning to be at school tomorrow morning for practice. I groan wishing to have more time to rest. Everyone heads home and Iwa turns to me.

"Hey, do you wanna go get some food. And talk?" He asks slowly and I can see a little bit of blush form on his face. I'm pretty shocked that he asked me to talk. I thought I was going to be the one to beg him to date me. I smile at him and nod.

"Yes please, I'm so hungry." He rolls his eyes and walks us down the street to a small cafe.

We get seats by the window and order before he takes my hands in his and looks me in the eyes. I gulp not exactly sure where this could go. I mean sure we made out a few times but a part of me has always feared that he may just like me for my looks and not my personality. I wouldn't be surprised though. My personality isn't the best. He gives my hands a reassuring squeeze and a light smile, relaxing me slightly.

"Why are you so tense? What do you think I'm about to say?" I sigh and look away.

"That you don't want to date me." I quietly speak trying to keep my emotions and tears away.

"Why wouldn't I want to date you." I look up at him lightly.

"Well umm... I don't know..." he smirks.

"I like you Oikawa." I smile at those words. Words I never thought he would ever say.

"I like you too Iwa~chan..." I say his nickname smoothly, gaining a groan and a roll of the eyes. I chuckle slightly and then look around.

"Does this mean this is our first date?"

"If you want." I smile even wider.

"Does this mean we're boyfriends?" I smile at him and he rolls his eyes again, this time a little blush falls on his cheeks.

"Yes." I smile gaining Iwa to smile too. I really never thought he would like me like this. Or maybe I was completely oblivious to everything. Who even knows at this point. All that matters is I get to be with him and that he likes me back.


Akaashi POV

I sigh as we get off the bus, not wanting the month to end. I like Bokuto's mindless flirting or whatever. It gives me some hope that he likes me. Or those little moments we had. All of that will end now that we're back. I slowly start to walk back home. I didn't expect me, of all people, to feel this way about someone. Especially someone like Bokuto. We're completely opposite. I don't know why he would even like me.

I turn the corner and start down my street before I hear some footsteps behind me and someone calling out.

"Akaashi!" I turn around to see Bokuto racing to catch up with me. I stop walking and watch him come in front of me and slowly catch his breath, leaning on his knees.

"What are you doing Bokuto-san?" I ask. He takes another deep breath.

"I forgot to do something."

"Umm what do you mean? What did you forget to do." He leans up and looks at me smirking.

"This." He slowly leans in and connects our lips in a soft and passionate kiss. The initial shock wears off and I completely relax into the kiss. He brings a hand to my face and cups my cheek. His other hand falls to my waist pulling me closer. I bring one hand to his chest and the other to his arm, holding on for dear life, praying that he doesn't stop ever.

We continue to kiss in the cool morning air, my lungs burning from lack of oxygen but I don't care. All that matters is the two of us. Together at this moment. My grip tightens around his arm, as my need to breathe grows. He understands and slowly pulls away, the both of us gasping for air and smiling. I rest my head on his chest and slowly breathe as he wraps me into a warm embrace.

"Took you long enough," I say sarcastically once I'm able to form words. He chuckles and softly plays with my hair.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I smile against him and hug him closer to me. We stand there in the sun and soft breeze, enjoying the warmth of each other. I breathe in his soft cologne and slowly gather my thoughts and process the event that occurred. "Akaashi."


"Will you go on a date with me?"

"Yes." I smile even more and slowly pull away, looking up at him. He grins and connects our lips softly for a short and sweet kiss. I grin and sigh, feeling the happiest I've ever felt. Bokuto grins down at me.

"I like your smile." I blush slightly.

"I really only ever smile around you Bokuto-san." He grins even more at that and leans down, giving me one last kiss before walking me home.

~The End~


And that is the end of this fanfic. This was the first one I ever wrote and I honestly didn't think anyone was going to read it. I'm kinda sad it's over. Maybe I'll write another similar to this.

I have a quick announcement. I have finished writing an Iwaoi fanfic that takes place in a fantasy AU. Fantasy? Idk but Oikawa is a prince. Anyway I'll be posting the first half (5 chapters) of that book tomorrow so stay tuned if you want to read that.

Anyway I can't thank you enough I can't believe I got 2k readers. That makes me so happy and influences me to write more fanfic. I've planned atone more so stay tuned and I hope you enjoyed this fanfic.

Have a nice day and thank you :)

1362 words

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