Chapter 7 ~ Movie Night

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Bokuto POV






"Oh my god just pick one already." I glare at Kuroo and he glares at me. We just stare at eachother waiting for one to give in. I really need to win this. If we watch a horror movie I finally have the perfect opportunity to cuddle with Akaashi. Plus he doesn't even like action movies so if Kuroo wins he'll probably just leave.

"Come on horror movies are the best pleeeease!!!!" I beg him and take a few glances at Akaashi in hopes he might get what I'm hinting at. I haven't exactly told him about my crush but maybe he'll still get it. I have been pretty obvious. He sighs and looks at Akaashi who is just playing on his phone, waiting for us to choose. He rolls his eyes, "fine." I cheer and everyone sighs in relief.

"Thank god. You've been arguing for 20 minutes!" Kenma says sitting down next to Kuroo. Kiyoko and Yachi bring out some popcorn and pass out a few bowls while everyone takes their seats.

Kuroo and Kenma are sitting together, Suga and Daichi are on the floor leaning against the coffee table, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi are on one of the couches along with Hinata, Kageyama and Nishinoya. Tanaka is sitting with Kiyoko, annoying her and Asahi is in front of Noya. I quickly take a seat next to Akaashi who surprisingly makes room for me. Suga puts in the movie It, and everything quiets down as it starts. It was the only movie we brought that wasn't that scary. We have movies like the Ring and The Blair Witch Project but we agreed that those are probably too intense for now.

The movie begins and everyone starts preparing for it. I've heard a lot about this movie and honestly don't think it will be that bad but I hope Akaashi gets a little scared. I really want to cuddle with him but he won't let me unless it benefits him.


Akaashi POV

This movie isn't that scary for me. Clowns just aren't one of my fears. It's just kinda childish. Of course Bokuto on the other hand...

I don't really understand why he voted for this. No matter how hard he tries to deny it, he doesn't do well with scary movies. We've watched a few in the past and each time he's never made it to the end. He made me finish it and tell him how it ends. It's pretty funny to watch but right now he's terrified. He's snuggling into my shoulder shielding his eyes and holding onto my arm. I sigh and move slightly so he can be more comfortable. I just pay attention to the movie while he holds on to my hand and my arm.

It's been about an hour and he's watching the movie more but has moved as close to me as possible. I don't really mind though. Normally I don't let him do this but it's kind of nice right now.

Suga and Daichi don't seem very fazed by this movie. Same with Noya, Kuroo, and Kiyoko. Almost everyone else is terrified. Kenma I think has fallen asleep on Kuroo's lap, while Hinata is hiding behind Kageyama and Tanaka is holding onto Kiyoko who seems pretty annoyed.

"Why the hell did we choose this movie." I hear Bokuto mumble next to me.

"Why did you fight so hard for a horror movie? You've never been able to finish one." I whisper after a loud crash comes from the TV causing him to nuzzle closer if even possible.

"I don't know..." he leads off. He whimpers slightly and I sigh, wrapping my arm around him to comfort him. At this point, I don't really care what I do. He probably doesn't even notice.

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