Chapter 9 ~ Worried Fights

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Suga POV

Each day I feel more and more worn out. This intensive training is really taking it out of me. Today we are starting off with running. More conditioning, great. I quickly finish getting ready in the bathroom before leaving to gather my thing.

I see Daichi finish tying his shoes. He doesn't look up at me. Only finishes up and the heads out the door leaving me to myself. He's been very distant and quiet. It's kinda weird. And he didn't even wait for me like he usually does which hurts a little. I quickly grab my bag and race out to meet up with everyone.

They are all gathered in a group while Coach Ukai waits to explain everything. I stand a little back from Daichi, studying his expression. He's not showing much. He just seems like he's in deep thought.

"Ok great everyone's here. We are starting off the day with a quick run. You will go twice around the lake and then run all the way to the gym where you'll meet us. You start here. You can leave your bags and get started. Everyone just drops their bags and takes off. The fast energetic ones easily take the lead. Now that Seijō has joined us it feels way more crowded. I stay more in the middle along with Asahi and Yamaguchi. We decide to keep our pace a little slower so we can easily make it the whole run.

I start feeling pretty tired near the final stretch but because we kept our pace slower we are slightly catching up with the front runners. When we see the gym everyone sprints for the final stretch stopping and panting once we get inside. It's very hot outside which isn't helping.

The girls hand us bottles of water giving us a chance to cool off and calm down. I lean against the wall with Asahi watching Daichi. He is panting hard but still seems pretty out of it. Maybe a little upset or mad as well. "Suga?"

"Hmm?" I turn my attention from Daichi to Asahi.

"You ok?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Sorry just spaced out for a second." He nods slightly staring ahead. After we have all calmed down, I look at Daichi to start practice. He doesn't do much so I decide to take matters into my own hands. "Hinata! Noya!" I eye them and they groan heading to the edge of the gym to do their laps. I glance over Daichi to see him looking at him. I smile at him and he just brushes me off turning his attention to Noya and Hinata who just started running. Did I piss him off or something? Why is he being so short with me? What did I do?

Coach called us over and simply instructs us to stretch while Hinata and Noya finish their run. While we stretch I keep most of my attention on Daichi who focuses on stretching and nothing else.

"Noya!" Suddenly Hinata screams. We all quickly look over to see Noya passed out on the floor with Hinata on the ground next to him trying to get him to wake up.

"Noya!" Asahi quickly runs over to him with the rest of us not far behind. Finally Daichi seems invested in the rest of us. Asahi flips him over and checks his pulse and breathing before picking him up and walking him to the infirmary. Takeda sends most of the team back including me. I keep everyone occupied by leading stretches while keeping an eye on the door. Daichi is the first to come looking worried and a little pissed.

"Is he ok?" I ask once he reaches me.

"He's fine," he says while simply walking past me. I'm getting really sick of this. What did I do? Why is he so distant and short with me? This has never really happened before. He becomes slightly distant when he's stressed over something but it's never been this bad and it's never been directed at me. I must have done something to piss him off.

Practice continues while Noya and Takeda went back to the cabin. We had a few practice games before lunch took place. Daichi just went straight to our room. God I hate this so much. He doesn't even look at me. What did I do? I replay the events that took place over the past few days but find nothing that could have upset him. Maybe something happened between someone else. But then why am I the one getting hurt.

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