Chapter 12 ~ Venom Pt. 2

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Kageyama POV

"AHHHH!!!" A sudden scream snaps me out of my head. I quickly swim over to Hinata.

"Hey what the hell! Are you ok." He winces and shakes his head barely staying above the water.

"Ngh~ I~something bit me, ah~" He looks to be in a lot of pain.

"Ok ok calm down, here I'll take you back to shore. Ok?" He nods and I grab him swimming us back to shore.

"Hey can you stand?" He squints his eyes shut and shakes his head, holding on to me tighter. I walk out of the water as everyone else runs over to us. I walk him over and set him on a picnic table. He bites his hand trying hard not to cry.

"Hinata are you ok what happened?" Daichi and Suga stand next to us while everyone else gathers around leaving enough space around us.

"He got bitten by something. Hinata, where does it hurt." He takes in a sharp breath and opens his eyes, lifting up his leg and pointing down to near his ankle. I grab his pale smooth skin and turn it slightly to see a small snake bite.

"Ok that looks bad. It might be poisonous too. Here." Suga grabs a cloth and ties it tightly just below his knee. "Quick, we need to take him to the hospital. Kageyama, can you carry him?"

"Yeah of course."

"Ok I'll take them, Daichi you stay here and try to get in touch with the coaches." He nods, turning to Kiyoko, "hey can we borrow your car?"

"Yeah of course." Suga grabs the keys and I grab a towel wrapping Hinata in it before picking him up and carrying him back towards the cabin. Hinata holds on to me tight as he is clearly scared. I'm trying hard to ignore the fear and panic. We reach the parking lot and quickly jump in the car. Hinata is breathing heavily. I can't tell if it's dude to panic or the venom.

"Hinata hey..." I say softly trying to calm him down.

"Kageyama can you call the hospital and let them know we're coming."

"Yeah of course." I quickly grab my phone and dial the number, Hinata is holding onto my hand tightly.

I let them know we're coming and then turn my focus to Hinata. He is shaking slightly and breathing heavily. "K~kageyama."


"I~it hurts, a~and feels ti~tingly." He starts shaking more and tightening his grip in my hand.

"Hey, shhh it's ok, you're ok alright. Everything is fine." He nods slightly and I pull him closer to me. "You gotta breathe ok. Take a deep breath. Were almost there. Deep breath ok." He listens and slowly starts to breathe as we near the hospital. We pull into the parking lot and head into the emergency room. Suga checks us in and immediately the doctor comes and takes us to a room. I set him on the bed feeling him shake even more.


"I'm fine." He is still shaking violently but I don't push it. Soon a doctor comes in with Suga who hands me a hoodie and some sweat pants since I'm still in my bathing suit. I reluctantly leave him there to change.

When I return Hinata looks even more terrified and he is quietly crying. I quickly enter the room and get a thankful look from Suga who I'm pretty sure is wearing one of Daichi's hoodies.

"Hey are you ok." I sit next to him, placing a hand in his thigh and shoulder. He shakes his head no and I look to the doctor.

"The bite comes from a slightly venomous snake. Currently his body is too drained to accept the anti-venom. We have to wait a bit and hook him up to an IV." I feel Hinata shiver next to me when he mentions that.

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