Chapter 5 ~ Limits

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Yamaguchi POV

This morning I decided to help Hinata and Kageyama with breakfast and I'm glad I did. If I didn't they would have burnt down the kitchen. They started to fight and completely forgot they had something on the stove. Those two are ridiculous sometimes. When we are almost done I decide to go check and see if Tsuki is awake. He has been pretty distant with everyone but me lately. I get that they piss him off a lot but I still think he should hang out with them more. I slowly open the door to our room to see him sound asleep. I sigh deciding the best way to wake him that won't piss him off too much. I slowly walk over and shake him lightly. He stirs and then looks at me squinting. He lets out a groan as I smile.

"Morning Tsuki! Breakfast is almost ready so get up." He puts on his glasses and sits up sighing. I just smile walking towards the door with him close behind me. So far these past few days have been pretty fun. I've gotten to hang out with everyone more which always makes me happy. And after everyone splits off I get to hang out with Tsuki. For some reason, he is being a lot nicer towards me. I would question it but I don't want to risk it. We approach the kitchen to see that almost everyone is awake. I'm glad this place is so big but even then it can get a bit crowded. Most people went to hang out in the living room while they wait for the dynamic duo to finish up. Hinata spots us and smiles.

"Tsukishima stop looking so grumpy we made food!" Hinata jumps around Tsuki gaining a grunt.

"I don't know if your cooking can count as food." I chuckle a little and Hinata frowns.

"Well, Yamaguchi helped a little!" He turns to me a little surprised. I blush slightly.

"Y-yeah. I mainly just made sure they didn't burn down the cabin." I awkwardly chuckle and turn back to Hinata who is bouncing around the kitchen, grabbing plates and cups. Tsuki sighs and we lean against the wall, waiting for them to set up.

After breakfast, we all are given 30 minutes to get ready for training. I go into the bathroom and try to fix my hair. I look in the mirror and see my freckles scattered face. I sigh. I never really liked my freckles. It's something I've been bullied for and they always seemed weird and ugly to me. I sigh and nervously walk out of the bathroom to see Tsuki tying his shoe. He looks up at me and tilts his head.

"You ok? You seem uneasy." I'm a little taken back by his comment. He doesn't normally ask if I'm ok. I guess he is trying to be nicer. I hope it sticks.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just nervous for practice." He smirks a little.

"Yeah but I'm sure you'll be fine. Relax." I smile at his words and do as he says. Relax. He walks over to switch his glasses and pack his volleyball shoes. Mine are already in the bag so I go over and grab my bag.

"What part of breakfast did you help with. Besides making sure they didn't set the stove on fire."

"Oh umm... just the sausage and the rice. Nothing too big."

"Hu... makes sense. It was the best." He walks out the door leaving me stunned and blushing. Wow, he complimented me. I wonder what's going on with him. Where is this change coming from? "Hurry up!" He calls.

"Ahh right coming." I quickly run out the door and catch up with him as we head to join the others and walk to the gym.

When we get to the gym everyone is in awe over how big it is. Even Tsuki looks a little shocked. The captains instruct everyone to help set up 3 nets for each team and bring out all the balls. We set up the nets which all easily fit in the gym leaving some extra space. All the teams separate to their assigned nets and begin to stretch. Coach Ukai soon calls our attention to explain practice.

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