Chapter 2 ~ Sickness

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Suga POV

I'm really excited for the trip itself, but when I think about the drive I can only feel nervous and anxious. When driving through the mountains I tend to feel really sick and nauseous. What sucks though is it's just a feeling that won't go away. I never end up throwing up. I always just feel like I could. It can be sufocating and I always feel so trapped when it happens. I can't do much about it.

Once the bus started moving I start to get a little panicky. I guess Daichi noticed because he handed me a bottle of water and 2 small tablets.

"Here, it's to help with the sickness." He gives me a warm smile which eases me instantly. I hate how much he affects me but in cases like this, it's really helpful. I sigh lightly and take the tablets quickly before turning my focus out the window.

"Who exactly is going to this thing again?" I ask, trying to distract myself. He picks up on my intention and quickly answers,

"Well, I know that Nekoma and Fukurōdani will share a cabin with us. That's going to be pretty intense. I also heard that Seijō might join us later." I hum as a response, slightly afraid to speak. "It's going to be fun, maybe hectic but nothing we can't handle." I smile at that and slightly lean against Daichi's shoulder. He doesn't flinch away or anything, just lets me.

"Hey do you have any idea what the coaches planned for this." I ask, slightly glancing at Daichi.

"Not really. I heard we will be doing a lot of conditioning to build stamina but It probably won't be that hard." He smiles warmly at me.

"I hope you're right," I say staring straight out the window again to prevent the feeling of nausea.

"Oh come on. I'm always right." I laugh at his comment.

"Sure Daichi. Sure."

"Name one time I was wrong."


"See you can't."

"Haha give me a minute I'm thinking." I sigh taking time to prove him wrong while attempting to ignore the slight feeing of nausea. Nothing too intense. If I distract myself I don't really notice it.

"Ooo ok I just thought of a few times you were wrong. Anytime you predict what's going to happen in a movie we watch, you're always wrong. The guy never gets the girl in those sappy love stories. Then you were wrong when you thought you saw a demon which was just a cat in a dumpster. I mean come on a demon? Really? And..."

"Ok ok. Hey I only asked for one example. And you chose movies that always have one of the main characters die." I chuckle lightly, smiling.

"Yeah I do like those movies. It's always funny watching you convince yourself that they will both survive. By this point you should be guessing who is going to die." He laughs.

"One of these days they will both live."

"See wrong again." We both laugh again.

The drive continues for a while before the feeling hits me a lot harder. I guess the medication Daichi gave me helped me last longer. We are already an hour and a half into the 3 hour drive. By now most people have fallen asleep. Even the most energetic ones passed out which is quite surprising.

I let out a quiet and slightly shaky breath and I feel every turn we make. The feeling of nausea slowly grows more and more, making my breath and body shake. Daichi feels me shaking against him. I feel his eyes land on me and bite my lip watching the trees pass. I let out another shaky breath refusing to look at him. I hate how bad this is hitting me. I don't want him to think lesser of me. I know he really just cares about me but for some reason, I can't help but really care about what he thinks of me. I always worry about it.

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