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The bell rang signaling it's break time thus making everyone head straight to the cafeteria.

After getting her food. Suzy looked around hoping to caught the familiar eyes of Hanuel and Mark. After a few moments of searching, she finally hears her name being called, helping her find Hanuel, Mark and a guy sitting near the windows. 

"Hey guys"Suzy greets, putting down her tray next to Hanuel

"Hey I'm Suzy"She says, offering her hand to the unknown boy

"Hi my name is Hoshi"He greeted with an adorable smile and accepted the handshake

All three of them asked random questions just to get to know each other specifically Suzy. They were all having fun, giggling until an ear piercing scream is heard causing everyone in the cafeteria to look at the commosion

Stood there is Soyeon with her hair professionally curled making it look like she's attending a beauty pageant  

"Oh no you didn't"Soyeon says while rolling her eyes

"Do you know how much this skirt is!?"Soyeon pushing the poor guy, who from what it looks spilled water on her

"I mean it's just water, it's not that deep "Suzy says to her new found friends to which they agreed 

"She's such a brat"Hanuel muttered getting annoyed

"I'm s-sorry"The boy started kneeling down

"Girls"Soyeon motioned for her squad to spill their drinks on the boy

Before they could go on with their act

"Soyeon it's literally just water! Leave the poor dude alone like if you could afford getting a nose job I'm pretty sure getting your skirt dry cleaned is nothing!"Hanuel stand up from her seat, shouts making the whole cafeteria erupt with "OHHHH", Hoshi and Suzy froze and making Mark drop his poor watermelon.

"Excuse me!? What did you just say"Soyeon scoffs while walking with her squad towards them

"Are you deaf or just that dumb to think for a comeback"Hanuel snapped back quickly and going back to sit down like an unbothered queen she is. A proud Suzy fist bump Hanuel and whispers  to her "That was cool"

"Eyy that's my girl"Mark says to which Hoshi and Suzy make teasing noise at and Hanuel hidding  her incoming blush but Suzy noticed it and smiled brightly while nudging her

"Oh you're still here?"Suzy accidentally said out loud receiving a laughter from the cafeteria. Suzy got distracted for a moment thanks to Mark's comment and forgot about Soyeon...

Oh boy it was going to be the most heated first day of Suzy's life.

Oh boy it was going to be the most heated first day of Suzy's life

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Guyss🥺 How is it?? Stay safe olright. Also do vote if you enjoyed it:)
Jaemin interaction will come soon don't worry;)


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