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The girl looking straight at the wall as her tears blends in from the water coming from the shower head

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The girl looking straight at the wall as her tears blends in from the water coming from the shower head

I'm actually so dumb. How can you get that wrong Suzy? Maybe Father is right... Now you have to work extra hard for mid terms

Stepping out of the shower. Suzy put on a black crop top and black sweatpants.
The girl using the back door to make sure her father doesn't hear her. Rushing towards the garage, she took her mint green bike

Luckily for the girl. The guards let her out since they know that Suzy is a responsible girl. Ridding off towards the park. Suzy enjoyed the fresh air, seeing the sun almost setting down. 

Once she had parked her bike. The girl sat down on the grass, her back against a tree. Hugging her knees together and silently think about life. Enjoying the noise of the breeze and children playing

Suddenly a dog walk up to her

"Hey there cutie"Petting the dog.  Suzy adjusting the dogs collar to find the name tag of the Labrador
"Oh Bentley. Nice to meet you buddy. Where's your owner"She ask as if the dog will answer. The dog laying down beside the girl and putting down his head on the girls lap

"Bentley where are you!"A kids voice yell
"Come on bud"Suzy holding on bentleys leash walking towards the voice

"Go"Releasing bentleys leash. Bentley happily wagging his tail walking towards his owner, who is sitting down on the bench

Is that?

"Bentley!"The young girl patting the dogs head
"Angel-unnie is that you!?"Stopping Suzy from walking back

"Oh hey Jisoo. Are you alone?"Smilling and sitting down next to the child
"No, thank you for finding Bentley"Jisoo hugging Suzy
"Aww he came to me actually"Suzy hugging back Jisoo

"Who's with you?"Suzy ask, fixing Jisoo's hair
"Oppa but he had to go do something so he left"Jisoo pouts
"Mind if I company you?"
"Really? Yes! Let's go get ice cream!"Says the excited young girl, holding Suzy's bruised wrist making her hiss

"Unnie? What happend?"
"No big deal. I twisted my wrist..doing a.. a work out"Making a lie with the first thing coming into her mind
"Ahh you should be more careful! You could get seriously hurt also you're skinny enought. I mean wow look at that abs"The girl lectures Suzy

Just like her brother

"Yes Mam!"Suzy salutes


"Here you go"Suzy giving Jisoo her ice cream
"Thank you unnie!"The young girl smiles

"You know I was really surprise when Jaemin oppa brought you home"Jisoo bitting her ice cream
"Why is that?"
"Oppa doesn't bring girls over. It's mostly Renjun oppa and Mark oppa and he said he despites girls"Chuckle Jisoo

"I wonder how he talks to you"Mutter Jisoo
"He like to stick to one words sometimes"Suzy replies with a small chuckle 

The two enjoyed their treat when suddenly Jisoo's hair is ruffled. The two girls looking behind them to see the culprit

"Yah- Oppa!"Jisoo hugging her brother tightly

Vote! Happy 30th chapter😳 Happy belated B-day to our boii Na Jaemin and congrats on NCT dream for their Bonsang

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Vote! Happy 30th chapter😳 Happy belated B-day to our boii Na Jaemin and congrats on NCT dream for their Bonsang.. BLONDE JAEMIN.

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