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The past few weeks has passed by like a blur for Suzy

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The past few weeks has passed by like a blur for Suzy. Her and Chenle would talk before class began, normally Chenle ranting to Suzy on how his teammates at PubG are 'rubbish'. Hoshi, Mark and Hanuel would eat together and talk about anything and everything under the sun

Oh and about the letter. She went home that day expecting another slap from her father awaiting her at home but fortunately for her she didn't get one. Now the two girls are in one of the most fanciest shopping mall

"Suzy! Here!"Hanuel says excitedly, dragging her friend to the store, Gucci

"This is my brothers favourites brand"Suzy says, looking at some of the new release clothes

"Wait you have a brother!?"Hanuel looking somewhat offended

"Opps I didn't tell you. I do have a brother his name is Taeyong , he's studying in Washington."She explains chuckling

"I have cousin studying in Washington"Hanuel adds,  looking at the limited edition items

"Really? What's his name?"Suzy ask, finding the coincides funny

"Jung Jaehyun" Hanuel answers. Suzy responds by making an "o" with her mouth

After multiple purchases. Exhausted from their so called 'retail therapy' the girls decided to eat. Catching up with one another

"So yeah Mark freaking screamed 'OnLY CaSH!?'"Hanuel says explaining her story which made Suzy laugh out loud with tears of joy

"Okay how about you?"Hanuel looking at Suzy

"Jae- uhm"

"Wait, wait, wait Jaemin!? Spill"Hanuel says looking Suzy dead straight in the eyes

The girl taking a deep breath in started to explain what happened a few weeks ago with a squeal or a fangirling Hanuel making Suzy stop in her storytelling. Finally Suzy was done with the story

"K-Drama feels. Period"Hanuel says making jazz hands to which Suzy snicker at

Come to think of it. I should probably thank Jaemin, He's probably behind it not being sent

 I should probably thank Jaemin, He's probably behind it not being sent

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Sorry for this short chapte. ALSO how the heck did this
Story have 75+ read i am s h o o k .


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