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The girl putting down fresh flowers she bought for her mom

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The girl putting down fresh flowers she bought for her mom

"Ahh~ Mother I miss you so so much. I wish you were still here. It's really hot these day. I want to cut my hair but Father likes my hair long so I look more pretty. I remember you arguing with Father back then so you could cut my hair"Suzy let out a sad chuckle, looking down at the marble 

"I..I got second place. I know you always say as long as you did your best that's enought but why... why does dad"The girl sobs
"I got slap again but I guess it's fine, I know he wants me to be the best so I won't be like him when he was younger but.. it's a lot you know?"Wipping away her tears

"We will have another business dinner slash cotillion next week. All the people will only talk about money, power and beauty there. Unfortunately you'll not there with me to gossip"Another sad chuckle escape the girl along with drops of rain
"I guess you know how I feel"looking up to see the rain getting stronger
"Oh and I meet 9 amazing people. Hoshi and Hanuel is the closest to me" Starting to shiver from the rain

Looking down at the grave that reads her Mothers name, Lee/Bae Joo-hyun. She let out a cry she didn't know she needed

A leather jacket covering her figure making her to look up to see a boy

A boy wet by the rain. Suzy trying to stop her tears from flowing down. Rubbing her eyes to see

Jaemin kneeling beside the girl and reaching out his hand

"Come on it's raining"He says in his rarely heard soft tone. He didn't know what came over him but knowing what her Father was like and Suzy looking broken made him want to care and protect her

"O..okay, bye mom"Holding the boys hand making him smile
"Now we run"He states making her look at him weirdly

Both of them started running in the rain. The rain getting even more stronger, the two far from the cemetery at this point. Jaemin finding the nearest shelter.

"Achoo!"The girl sneezes
"Don't go sick on me- Jisoo now"Jaemin says, squeezing out water from his shirt
"I don't get sick easily"Wrapping around his jacket closer to her

"Weren't you going to visit your Mom?"Suzy ask, breaking the silence and sitting down
"I did.. just like you"Sitting down next to the girl

Suzy eyes widen at the information that dawned on her. Jaemin also lost his Mom just like her

"She..she got hit by a car"

I'm going to do a lot of updates👉👈

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I'm going to do a lot of updates👉👈

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