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"Good night Mr

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"Good night Mr.Choi~"Suzy says then entering her home

"Suzy"A deep male voice says making her stop from going up the marble staircase

"Yes?"She ask, sitting down in front of her Father

"How did the quiz go?"

"I got a perfect mark"The girl says proudly

"Ok. When's the competition?"Her father ask taking a sip from his tea

"Three days from now"

"I'll be watching you. You know what I expect"He says making Suzy heart stop

Oh sh*t

"T..thats g..good"Suzy says, forcing a smile but in the inside she was panicking 

"You may go"Her father says like the girl was her secretary

Rushing to her room. She quickly dialled her brothers number with her fidgeting fingers

"Yahh why it's early here-"Taeyongs sleepy voice complains
"We have a problem"Suzy stated cutting her brother off
"Wait hold on. I'm not drunk enough for this"The boy says, trying to calm down his sister
"Oppa"The girl says dead serious
"I was joking.. why what's our problem?"
"I got a perfect score on the quiz but that's not important, Dad is going to watch me compete!"Suzy exclaims
"First of all Congrats! You got first and kitten that is important! Oh and.. about that"His tone going down

"Thanks bud. But what if I don't get first and.. and then he.. will see my failure in front of his eyes and his going to be ashamed that I'm his daughter.."Suzy ramble to her brother through her phone

"Okay first of all Suzy It's okay if you don't get first place. We will never be ashamed of you. Yes, he might be dissatisfied but heck! My final grade was 98 and you know what he said? 'Turn it up a notch and get 99 will you'"Her brother scoff, remembering his Father

"Oh yeah you called me drunk on that day"Suzy giggles at the memory
"But really it's fine the fact that you made it is an accomplishment. Now let me sleep"
"Okay, okay thanks I needed that"Suzy says ending their call

It is going to be fine..

The girl skipping dinner so she can study even more


"Suzy by the way you should come with us today. We're going to the arcade"Chenle says to Suzy heading out for their second class

"Maybe next time. Sorry"Suzy apologies

"Why"Ask the now sulking boy

"I have to go somewhere"The girl replies, pressing her lips into a thin line

I have to study


"Hello Nonna!"Smiles the young boy at the girl taking her books out of the locker
"Hey there Jisung"The girl smiles back at
"I just want to say you were really cool when you stick up to Soyeon and I'm sorry for Haechan hyungs behavior he's..he's sometimes really nice when you get to know him"Jisung says with a sheepish smile

"Don't worry it's fine"She reassures the boy

Suddenly a crowd of screams and cheering is heard from the hallway to the right

"Let's check it out?"Suzy ask, curious
"Yeah why not"Jisung shrugs

"Let's check it out?"Suzy ask, curious"Yeah why not"Jisung shrugs

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Holy cow 300+ reads🥺. Ty so much>3 and Don't forget to vote💚. Also happy 20th chapter to us

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