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"Are you crying~"Jaemin tease looking at the girl with tears and her eyes even though it's like the eight time she watched this movie"It's touching"She pouts cuddling even closer to the boy 

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"Are you crying~"Jaemin tease looking at the girl with tears and her eyes even though it's like the eight time she watched this movie
"It's touching"She pouts cuddling even closer to the boy 

"You want to change clothes? Taeyong has some left over clothes still"Suzy says noticing the boys attire might not be the comfiest
"Yeah sure"He replies. Suzy standing up and walking to the next door which is her brothers room

"What was the code again"She ask herself

Ah I got it!

Putting in the code of his old dogs birthday, Ruby. The pad displaying a green color making her grin. Quickly heading towards the dresser she took a hoodie and sweat pants

"Here you go"Throwing the clothes at the door where Jaemin lay
"I'll change in the bathroom"Suzy says

Changing into her PJ's and the boy doing the same
"Are you done?"She ask not opening the door
"Yeah"He replies not really done putting on his shirt wanting to see the girls flustered reaction
"Have you gotten th- YAHhhHH nA JAeMIn!"Opening the door to be greeted with her boyfriends bare chest making her squeal and turn around and putting her hands in front of her face. Her cheeks full on bright red

Damm abs

"I'm sorry princess. I'm done now"He chuckles at the frozen girl
"My abs are nicer"The girl shrugging off her flustered heart 

"Oh really?"Cocking his eyebrow

Suzy humming confidently and laying down, the boy doing the same

"It's called an eleven"Suzy stated sarcastically 
"A flat stomach isn't abs"Jaemin cooed to be only nudge by the girl
"No~ I trained very hard for them"The girl exaggerate crossing her arms together                                                   "By trained you mean every once a week for gym class"He retorts scoffing playfully 

"Shut up"Facing the T.V making Jaemin chuckle at the girls defeat


The two looking at each others eyes as if their whole world can be seen in each others pupil until the maid cleaning near the her door drops her cleaning materials making the girl have a heart attack pushing the boy of with a thud

"Omo omo I'm sorry are you okay?"Helping the boy up
"I'm fine, I'm fine"Standing up and laying back on the bed



"Boo!"Jaemin approching the girl suddenly making her almost drop kick the boy
"Yo, yo, yo it's your boyfriend"Jaemin getting in a defense position
"You scared me"The girl sights

Jaemin grabbing her bag off her shoulder making Suzy smile at his gesture. The boy holding out his hand, Suzy  happily taking his hand making it intertwine.

"Locker?"He ask the girl
"Yup"She chuckles


"Don't come closer"Hanuel sulks at Suzy, who wasn't able to respond to her calls due to being with Jaemin all night
"I'm sorry babe~"Giving her puppy eyes
"Ugh fine. You know I had to pick out an outfit without  your help"Hanuel giving in

"Where were you?"Chenle ask
"Obviously her and Jaemin were with each other"Haechan stated
"So..are you guys official?"Renjun ask making the two lovers look at each other


How are you guys?? 

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How are you guys?? 

My wallet is SO ready for NCT2020

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