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"You two took your time"Renjun says, taking a bit of his ice cream"And you look like a zombie"Haechan says, laughing and pointing at Suzy"I appreciate it bud"Suzy says ,sarcastically then going in line with Jaemin

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"You two took your time"Renjun says, taking a bit of his ice cream
"And you look like a zombie"Haechan says, laughing and pointing at Suzy
"I appreciate it bud"Suzy says ,sarcastically then going in line with Jaemin

"I'll pay for you"Jaemin says in his cold monotone voice
"No it's fine but thanks"Suzy says, getting out her wallet
"I didn't ask"He says making Suzy taken aback of his tone

"What flavor for the couple?"The ice cream man named Chittaphon ask making Suzy flustered
"We're n-"The girl about deny Chittaphon
"Thanks. I'll get what she wants"Jaemin motions toward Suzy who is even more flustered now
"Uhm.. I'll get the.. the red velvet"Suzy looking at all the flavors trying to ignore Jaemins comment

The ice cream guy whispering "I wish Kun would give me free ice cream" under his breath

They both sat down at the chairs. Suzy next to Hoshi and Jaemin next to Jisung. They all started getting to know each other more and more


"I swear..."Hanuel trailed off
"That's not funny"Renjun says, shaking his head in disapproval
"I thought it was"Hoshi shrugs, low-key looking offended 

"You don't start laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of  a meme you saw on Facebook"Suzy scoff at the boy

"Anyways  I can't believe after this year we have one year left then college" Mark exclaims making hand gestures to along with his statement

"I don't even know what course I'm going to take"Hoshi mutters 
"I think I want to be a producer or something"Mark shares making everyone share their hopes and dreams

"I'm just going to take over Dads business~"Chenle says
"Same"Renjun shrugs

"Basketball~"Jeno says then throwing a imaginary basketball in the air making them chuckle
"I'm kidding as if Dad would allow that"Jeno added chuckling

"I want to be a fashion designer"Hanuel says with eyes filled with dream
"and Suzy will be my first model!"Hanuel cooed at making Suzy playfully roll her eyes

"Haechan-hyung?"Jisung ask curiously
"Ehh I don't know yet"The boy shrugs

"Lawyer"Jaemin says noticing the others eyes

"Aww Mom was a Lawyer"Suzy thought to herself

"Suzy-nonna what do you want to be?"Jisung ask
"A doctor"Suzy says

It's what my Father wants.. not what I want. Heck I can't stand to much blood...

"Ohh Dr.Lee~"Hanuel cooed at
"Being a doctor is nothing special"Haechan says
"Yah!"Jeno says hitting him in the head
"Opps?"The purple hair boy says

Distracting them a car honk is heard from a rolls royce

"That's my ride. See you guys!"Suzy says picking up her  bag and waving farewell

Once the girl was outside...

"So why did you guys took so long"Renjun ask
"I decided to take a longer route"Jaemin shrugs
"Uh huh"Renjun trails off
"Nothing"He replies looking back at the car droving  off

"So why did you guys took so long"Renjun ask"I decided to take a longer route"Jaemin shrugs"Uh huh"Renjun trails off"Why?""Nothing"He replies looking back at the car droving  off

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