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"Get in the water Suzyyy" Hanuel nagged the girl who's sitting down in the shade with a book in her hand

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"Get in the water Suzyyy" Hanuel nagged the girl who's sitting down in the shade with a book in her hand

"No thank you"Suzy smiles while flipping the page making Hanuel groan

Hanuel making eye contact with Hoshi then drifting her eyes back and fort with Suzy and him. Hoshi already knows what Hanuel has in mind. The girl left Suzy and went to help Hoshi fill a bucket with water

"Why bother wearing a swimsuit" Hanuel glancing at the girl dressed in an oversized white shirt to cover up her black one-piece swimsuit

"Let's go"Hoshi chuckles alongside Hanuel, striding to the innocent girl

Suzy too focused on her book to notice the two heading her way. Hanuel mouthing 'shh' to Jaemin who sat beside Suzy while the rest watch the scene play out. The two dumping the whole bucket filled with cold water on the girl. 

"kyAhHHHH" Suzy shrieks standing up making sure her book is dry, then glaring at the two who's busy laughing at her reaction and face

The girl spots her boyfriend's drink. Acting on instinct, the girl splashing the two who are busy laughing. It was now her turn to laugh seeing the two's disgusted face

"Deja vu anyone?"Jaemin asks, glancing at his empty drink while Haechan laugh out loud


"And in the closing part, congrats on finding someone who you think you can put up with the rest of your hands"Hanuel making jazz hands

"I think that'll go down in the worst maid of honor speech in history"Suzy chuckle playing with the promise ring given to her

"Honestly I predict you guys having the cutest child. I call dibs on being a godmother or an aunt"Hanuel says seriously looking at the girl beside her who's smiling

"Of course you would be. You always dream of becoming the rich aunt"Suzy giggles

"Can't wait!"The girl squeals 

"We're not even engage "Suzy chuckles moving her head left to right

"Yet" A kiss plants on Suzy's head making her blush as usual and feel butterflies

"Hey Jaemin, Suzy told me once she wants a long engagement because she likes the idea being called a 'fiancé'. Just a heads up, now I'm going back to my big head boyfriend" Hanuel shares to the boy ignoring Suzy's 'please stop' look


"Let me show you how's it done"Hoshi says standing in the middle and signaling to Jeno to play any random song

"Go Tiger!"Haechan cheers

Hoshi dancing making everyone cheer at his impressive moves. After his amazing dancing, Jaemin stands up and pointed at the youngest 

"Let's go Hyung!"Jisung smiles and went to the center besides Jaemin

Before dancing Jaemin throw a wink and a flying kiss at Suzy making her let squeal she didn't know she had in. her. Renjun copying the boy's action but dedicated to Jeno, unfortunately, Jeno's face is rather filled with a 'what are you even doing' type of look

"Freestyle yeah!"Mark cheers as the two boys start dancing

"Why is it so in synch if it's freestyle?"Chenle questions making the whole group laugh out loud


"I love you"Suzy cuddles closer to the boy 

"I just didn't say it enough today" The girl added  

"Ahhh stop being cute my heart can't handle it. It makes my heart go boom boom. I love you too princess so so much"The boy who clearly had too much coffee replies with big hand gestures making Suzy giggle

"No more coffee for you tomorrow"Suzy replies glancing at the now pouting boy

"Nana it's already 3 a.m and you're way too hyper"

The rest of their summer vacation was filled with joy and laughter minus one fight Mark and Haechan had. The friends enjoying the beautiful resort and time left before another dreaded school year

 The friends enjoying the beautiful resort and time left before another dreaded school year

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