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"Tadaa~"Suzy spinning around for her supportive friend that is acting like a photographer, saying words like 'yes' 'work it' making others look at them weirdly but both of them couldn't care less

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"Tadaa~"Suzy spinning around for her supportive friend that is acting like a photographer, saying words like 'yes' 'work it' making others look at them weirdly but both of them couldn't care less

"110% Get it"Hanuel says to the girl


After getting all the girls need and blowing off around $10,000. Both of them went back home

Suzy opening the wooden door to her bedroom. Dropped all the shopping bags on the floor, arms tired from carrying all the expensive goodies.

The girl quickly changed into her PJ's and curl up into a ball in her soft bed due to the intense cramps. Reaching out to grab her phone she decided to the text the person that came into her mind


Heyyy Nana :Me

🏍Nana🐰: Hey. You're okay?

Minus the stabbing pain I'm doing pretty good: Me


You know it's that time of the month.. :Me

🏍Nana🐰: I don't get it

The girl thing🤦‍♀️ :Me

🏍Nana🐰: What girl thing??

Period :Me
I'm on my period :Me

🏍Nana🐰: ohhh

I'll feel bad for your future gf :Me

🏍Nana🐰: Why would you??

Because she'll be like 'I'm on my period, I need hugs and ice cream :Me
And you'll be like 'What's a period?' and then you'll be like disgusted by that stuff :Me

🏍Nana🐰: No. I'll be the best boyfriend ever

Hmm yeah totallyyyy :Me

🏍Nana🐰: We could put that to the test

Okay.. how may I ask? :Me

🏍Nana🐰: Let's date


That's when Suzys soul left the chat. Bright red cheeks on display

"Is it me or my eye sight has gone worse?"She ask herself re reading the text

"Madam Suzy are you okay?"Her maid ask through the door stopping her screams as she run around the room not knowing what to reply

"Uh.. um Yes I'm more than okay actually"She replies opening the door. Her maid looking at her face then smiling
"Who's the lucky boy?"She ask making Suzy even more flustered
"No..no one"An awkward chuckle escapes Suzys lips
"Hmm~ okay just call me if you need me or an escape plan if you have a date"She whispers leaving Suzy alone in her room

I think I'm going crazy... The boy I like wants to date me


🏍Nana🐰: You thereee

Yup :Me
So when do we go out :Me


After she sent the text her poor iphone was thrown to the bed, since she didn't want to read the boys reply. The girl fixed her newly bought items and she quickly ran down the spiral stairs holding an 'apple' paper bag

"Mrs. Kim where's Mr.Vro- uhm Mr. Choi?"She ask her maid
"Oh he's in his room"She replies
"By the way those cookies are for you guys"Suzy pointing at the box of cookies at the counter before leaving


"Mr.Choi~"The girl sang as she knock on the door three times
"Suzy. Are we going to go somewhere?"
"Here you go"Giving him the newly bought phone
"Oh no Suzy I can't take this"Shaking his head at the girl
"It's fine. Have a nice day~"She walks back to her room

This cramps are going to be the death of me plus that two test.. OMG THE THESIS


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