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On Suzys second class she found out the reason why Hanuel was late saying that she was 'I was busy doing my hair to notice the time'

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On Suzys second class she found out the reason why Hanuel was late saying that she was 'I was busy doing my hair to notice the time'

There are still some times when Soyeon and her friends would make remarks about Suzy and Hanuel but fortunately Suzy manage to stop Hanuel from ripping their hairs out

It was lunch time and the four decided to buy ice cream

"Wow this is Sweet"Mark says liking the ice cream almost making it fall and his face after made the three break out into cry of laughter

Fast foward

"Two more classes left I can finally play PubG"Hoshi sights

"Dude let's play together"Mark says

The two boys were busy talking about games while Suzy and Hanuel were talking about going shopping next week

"Lee Suzy, Park Hanuel please report to the principals office"The intercom spoke giving the said two girls chills

"I swear to God if it's Minju, vice presies daughter "Hanuel mocks

"Worst case scenario you clean the bathroom"Hoshi shrugs

While the others are talking Suzy prayed and prayed that hopefully they would not mention something to her father. Now at the front door of the principals the two girl debated on who's going to knock and do the talking

"I'll go knock and you'll talk"
"Okay deal"

Gathering courage, knocking on the door three times and hearing a male voice saying 'come in' the girls carefully open the door.

"Afternoon Sir we were called here"Hanuel began

Eyes roaming the room the two girls eyes stopped at the left side of the room only to see Soyeon, Minju and Jiwon smirking

"It has come to my information that yesterday there was an event that took place at the cafeteria. Care to explain?"The principal says

Not missing any details Hanuel explains what exactly what happened yesterday

"Hmm I see. Ms.Soyeon got anything to say?"

"U-uHM SUZY POORED SODA a-and sh-She THREATENED ME"Soyeon stated, faking a cry

"Aww.. it's going to be okay"Minju says, comforting her friend, patting her back

Wow unbelivable

"Sir they were the one who poured milk on Hanuel first, who was helping me stand up because one of them pushed me"

"And sir personally saying 'please don't do it again' is far from a threat"Suzy stated earning a chuckle from the principal

"I actually reviewed the CCTV and I don't appreciate you Ms.Soyeon for lying but  Ms.Suzy it was not a wise choice for pouring back a cola, I will just sent a a letter to your father and the three of you we will have talk. You two are dismissed"The principal stated

"I will just sent a letter to your father"

Walking out of the room Hanuel notice Suzy not looking so good

"Suzy you good girl you look pale"

"I-im fine, I-i'll get going. See you later"Suzy says and walking fast

Air. I need air.

Flashbacks of her fathers face, shouts filled her head making her dizzy while going to the roof top she manage to find out from exploring yesterday

"What is this?!"An angry father shout to her daughter
"S-she stole Yeji's pencil and t-tuged her hair"The young girl whispers
"And what!? you decided to push her!?"
"B-but Mom always s-said th-"
"Your mom isn't here now! So suck it up and be a good daam child!"
"Dad enought!"Her brother says and hugging his little sister
"Let's see what you did again to embarass me"Her dad says opening a letter which stated Suzy defending a nerd at middle school

"Hm Let's throw this away"Her Dad says throwing away her art materials for getting 2nd place thinking it was a distraction

Suzy opening the door to the rooftop she went near the railing taking in the beautiful scenery of the sky too busy to notice the boy starring at her, the boy she took the coke from specifically

Suzy opening the door to the rooftop she went near the railing taking in the beautiful scenery of the sky too busy to notice the boy starring at her, the boy she took the coke from specifically

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