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"Suzy calm your bum down!"Hanuel says, fanning an anxious Suzy with a cardboard "I'm

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"Suzy calm your bum down!"Hanuel says, fanning an anxious Suzy with a cardboard 
"I'm.. just nervous"Suzy mumbles, shrugging 
"You can do it nonna!"Jisung cheers at Suzy who's now reviewing last minute
"You'll be more stessed if you cram"Jeno taking away the girls notes making her pout
"Noo~"Trying to get back her notes from the tall laughing boy 

"Hoshi says Blake always gets first place every year"Suzy says, finally getting back her notes
"It's the trut- Ouch!"Hoshi rubbing his head that got smack by Hanuel

"You're not that dumb "Haechan encourages Jaemin. Jaemin looking at Jeno and Suzy talking
"Bet both of you'll be in the top3"Chenle says proudly

"Candidates please enter the room!"The teacher opening the double door
"We'll be watching!" Hanuel cheers
"Don't roll your eyes at the teacher Jae!"Renjun advises, reminding him


I got this. Everything will be fine

The girl taking in deep breaths in and out. A hand on her shoulder making her jump due to her being on the edge

"Good luck"Jaemin smiling at the girl
"Thanks you too"Smiling back

All the candidates sat down at a long table with dividers to prevent them from copying. Students filling up all the empty chairs in front of the stage. Parents in their lavish suits and dresses at the front row

While the other parents are mouthing encouraging words to their sons or daughters. There sat Suzys dad mouthing a 'don't disappoint me'. Drinking her water to reduce her anxiousness, she notice eight of her friends smilling at her and Jaemin

Hanuel with a banner 'Stan Suzy for clear skin' making her giggle


10 rounds have passed by. 20 students now down to the last five. So far Suzy did good, she understood everything, hearing her friends cheers made her more confident

"In-sou-cia-nt. It means 'light hearted or unconcerned'"The head of the english department says

Writting down her answer and showing it to the judges

"Student number 13 and 2 you're out"The teacher says
"Now we're down to the last three, we'll resort to verbal spelling"She adds

Looking at her right, there stood Blake. To her left there stood Jaemin

"Who knew it would come down to a Grade 11 show down"Chuckles the enthusiast teacher

"Mhm okay Blake. Sha-llo-on, a light twilled fabric"
"S.H.A.L.L.O.O.N, Shalloon"Blake replies with his chin held high

"Correct"The crowd cheers

"Jaemin. Sta-phy-lo-cci, a type of bacteria"
"S.T.A.P.H.Y.L.O.C.O.C.I, Staphylocci"Jaemin asnwers

"Wrong"The taecher says making Suzy unknowingly pout. A faint 'you did good hyung' from Jisung can be heard

"Now for Suzy"

"Now for Suzy"

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VOTE GUYS. Double update for you guys!💚

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