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As they make their way to the crowd

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As they make their way to the crowd. The young boy froze in his spot seeing his Hyung fighting Park Siwon a.k.a the so called King Ka, from what Hanuel told the Suzy

"Oh shi-"
"Jisung language!"Suzy hiss at the younger boy
"Wha-why I'm just a year under!"stomping his foot and pout
"Still"The girl shrugs

Looking at the crowd, thanks to her 5'6 height the girl saw Chenle, Hoshi and Mark. Holding Jisungs wrist the girl made it way through the crowd

"Hi Suzy. Hi Jisung"Chenle greets as if nothing is happening
"Eyy get it!"Hoshi cheers as Jaemin land a punch to Siwons nose making it bleed a lot. Suzy swore she heard a bone break

"You f*cker!"Siwon sneers as he looks at his hands with blood. Making the girl hold on Jisungs 5'11 shoulders for support as she became dizzy from the sight of blood

"I Shoud get this on tiktok #fyp!"Hoshi screams taking out his phone
"Oii that's got to hurt"Mark let out as Siwon punch Jaemins shoulder. Jaemin stumbling back to the wall

"Yahh Chenle! Mark! Hoshi! Do something"Suzy orders the three boys
"But it's fun"Chenle pouts
"It's not fun to see your friend hurt"Suzy says with a death glare
"Why won't you do it?"Chenle retorts
"Buddy does it look like a cliche bad boy story to you?"Suzy scoff

"Fine"Chenle says signalling one of Siwons friend, Hendery to help him stop. The three of them and Siwons friend making a wall so both of them could stop. The audience erupt with an 'boo' since their was no more scene to watch

The girl coming near them was suddenly pulled back due to her wrist

"Excuse me?"Furrowing her eyebrows
"Hmm.. Suzy Lee"Siwon says looking at her name tag then at her face making her uncomfortable. Looking at Siwons back there stood a boy she swear look like a prince

He looks.. familiar

"Bye"The girl yeeted herself. Taking back her wrist then looking back at Chenle, Jisung, Hoshi and Mark holding Jaemin by the shoulder who's looking at her and whatever Siwon was doing

"Lets get you to the nurse"Suzy says, looking at Jaemin who was still giving a glare at Siwon who's walking away with his friends. Jaemins face with a bleeding lip and it looks like a forming black eye
"It's the nurses break"Jaemin says, looking at the gold clock on the wall
"I think you're forgetting I'm going to be a med student"Suzy says arching her one of her eyebrow at the boy

 Jaemins face with a bleeding lip and it looks like a forming black eye"No""Yes""It's the nurses break"Jaemin says, looking at the gold clock on the wall"I think you're forgetting I'm going to be a med student"Suzy says arching her one of her eyeb...

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