10. Your Pet Is Soft, Supreme Leader

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"I will take that report now." Kylo Ren stretched out, cracking his bones before rising from the bed. All remnants of his submissive, pleading ecstasy, gone from his face. Once more he was stoic and to the point.

I rolled onto my side, catching my breath. My heart was beating out of my chest, two hard thumps for each inhale, two for each exhale. It wouldn't slow.

"Can I get dressed first?" I asked jokingly.

He peered back at me.

"I hope so" he responded, vague amusement in his voice. "You will deliver the outline of your successful advances in the war room."

My jaw dropped. His prompt certitude in my loyalty was jarring and unlike anything I had ever trained for. My confidence wavered; I wasn't a very convincing liar on a good day, and now... I sat up and reached for whatever I could to shield my body, suddenly aware of my vulnerable display. He turned to me, one hand outstretched.

"My robes."

I looked down. His black clothing was in my hands, covering the front of my naked form. When I didn't react fast enough, he grabbed them from me with the Force, leaving me exposed again. The side of his mouth curled up. He turned his back on me, dressing himself. I tried to enjoy the last glimpses of his bare skin, but the thought of addressing General Hux and Pryde with Ren at my side frightened me. Kylo must have sensed the dread coming from me, but he made no effort to acknowledge it; perhaps he enjoyed the alarm he so easily evoked in me.

"Don't keep us waiting" he ordered right before the blast doors closed behind him.

A feeling deep down in my guts told me this wasn't right, as I headed for the war room mere moments later. Something felt terribly wrong, a disturbance in the Force, as Master Skywalker would have put it. Yet, the intoxicating sensation of being given a chance by Ren, an impactful yet small commanding role, crumbs from the superior's table, was too strong for me to resist. I assured myself I could use this position to the advantage of the Resistance, even though I sensed the ropes of the darkness pulling me deeper into this fragile operation. With the slight security clearance, I could do some real progress, like reveal the First Order's targets before they would have the chance to deploy their garrisons. Careful, a thought came out of nowhere. Don't let your guard down.

The Allegiant General Enric Pryde was a lanky man with receding, gray hair pushed back, and a permanent scowl on his face as if he could smell the stench of you from across the room. As a veteran of the Imperial military, his place on the Supreme Council, and now in this very room, seemed a given. Not even Hux could put fear in me like the stare of the Allegiant General did. First Order staff sat huddled around glowing security screens along the walls, and the two men stood on opposite sides of a circular table in the center of the dark war room, their faces illuminated from below, both with their hands clasped behind their backs as if there was a silent battle going on of who could look the most imposing. Kylo Ren, separating the two with his tall, wide frame and superior rank, would have won the competition if not for my clear memory of his face relaxing through the ebb of his orgasm. His head snatched around the very second the thought crossed my mind. Only then did the two other superior officers pay me any mind.

"Ah" Hux exclaimed with dissent at my arrival. "The new Commander" he seethed at me. He made it clear the decision to promote me hadn't been mutually agreed upon, and I realized my place at the big boys' table was worse than conditional. Hux's eyes narrowed and I was reminded of his eagerness to have me terminated the moment I slipped up.

"Generals" I greeted them coldly as I approached. My eye shifted to Hux. "It's been too long" I conversed between gritted teeth, fake grin slapped on my face.

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