The Permission Slip

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This happens after the events of Spider-man Homecoming and the Rouges have been pardoned and live in the Tower. (Stark didn't sell it) Peter and his classmates are Sophomores.

Five minutes until the end of class.

That's what kept going through Peter Parker's head. He only had to wait five more minutes until he could go home to the tower where his family lives. By his family he meant his adoptive parents and their friends who he counted as aunts and uncles.

When his aunt May got sick and almost died she had decided to split custody with Peter's mentor Tony Stark. They both now lived in the tower in the Stark penthouse with Peter's parents Tony and Pepper Stark who had adopted him soon after the split custody.

Peter was ecstatic about this. After the Vulture incident Tony had decided to keep the Tower. After months of Accords meetings and court cases, Tony was able to make it so that the Rouges could come back with pardons.

But that can be brought to attention later. Peter's teacher, Mr. Harrington has an announcement.

"Attention students! The Academic Decathlon has been given a very special privilege and the school is letting us go on a field trip!"

The students groaned. Ever since The Washington Monument Incident, they hadn't been looking forward to any future field trips.

"Where are we going?" Flash called out from his seat.

"It's a three day payed for trip at, drum roll please," the students blinked. "Stark or Avengers Tower!"

Sharp intakes of breath and squeals erupted from the class. The girls had their eyes wide and the biggest smiles on their faces with the exception of MJ who hadn't looked up from her book. The boys were no better. Ned was continuously poking Peter who had put his face in his hands and groaned

"Ha!" Flash noticed Peter's misery. "What's wrong Parker? Scared of your internship blowing up in your face?"

Hardly anyone had believed Peter when he said he had an internship. But when he was dropped off at school one morning in a Stark car by the one and only Happy Hogan who was known as Tony Stark's body guard, people believed him. Flash being one of the few who still didn't believe him.

"Peter, this is awesome!" Ned whisper-yelled at Peter.

"You've been to the tower before!" Peter exclaimed as he took his face away from his hands. "You literally had a sleepover on Saturday!"

"But this is different!" he responded still whispering. "Now you can prove that your internship is real!"

"Yeah, and get completely embarrassed by my family at the same time!"

"A small price to pay to see Flash's face!" Peter had to agree with Ned on that one. MJ would have to bring her sketchbook to get a sketch of Flash for her 'People In Crisis' section.

The bell rang and the two friends went their separate ways. Peter saw the familiar black Stark car and quickly got in the back seat.

"Hey Happy!" Peter greeted with his usual cheeriness.

"Hey Pete," Happy replied in his usual bored tone. Happy only responded to Peter's greetings because he had grown to like the boy. Of course he would never admit that though.

The ride went by in a peaceful silence. The drive wasn't very long. Peter used the short time to do the small amount of homework he had from the day.

When the two arrived at the Tower, Peter went straight to the elevator and requested FRIDAY to take him to his mentor. He arrived at the communal living room where he found Tony, Steve, Clint and Natasha sitting and watching The Meg.

Peter Parker And The Terrible No Good Very Bad Field TripWhere stories live. Discover now