Chapter 3: Shocking News

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As Win and Bright exchange words and glances, both of their parents have heard and saw their interaction.

"You two know each other?" Mrs. Chivaaree asked.

Win broke their staring contest and shifted his line of sight to Bright's mother, "Ahm w-we went to the same university."

Mrs. Chivaaree squealed as she looked at Win's mother, "Isn't that great?"

She returned her look to Win and Bright as she continued, "This makes everything easier for the two of you to know each other."

"Right." Mrs. Opasiamkajorn chuckled.

"Anyways, it's nice to finally see you Win. You look so beautiful." Mrs. Chivaaree spoke as she hugged Win in her arms.

"Thank you." Win said as she hugged her back but his eyes were still looking at Bright.

Upon exchanging greetings from both families, they have taken their seat as they chat about business and waited for their order.

Win was still in dazed and shocked about what's happening in their current situation. He still can't believe that the alpha that his mother was talking about was Bright himself. He wondered how did her mother knew about his love interest towards the alpha.

Regardless of that, he can't believe that he's going to marry Bright. He can't believe that the man that he came to love will be marrying him. He can't believe that all of this is happening. Lastly, he can't believe that Bright knew him as well.



Why did he agree to this?

What about Gun?

Aren't they dating?

What happened to them?

Win's mind was occupied by these questions. He looked at Bright and he noticed that the alpha was also looking at him.

Bright looked at him with empty eyes. There were no emotions that he could read in those big brown orbs.

Nonetheless, Win felt he was getting sucked in by how Bright's eyes looked at him. The more he look at it, the more he's falling deeper in his impenetrable stares.

Their staring contest was interrupted as Mrs. Chivaaree asked Win how he met Bright and if they were close.

"Ahm actually we're not close." Win shyly answered as he scratched the back of his head. "I just knew him because he's quite popular in our university."

"Oh, I see." Mrs. Chivaaree nonchalantly replied. "How about you son? How did you know Win?"

Win gulped as he heard the question. He wondered how the alpha knew who he is. He stared at him, anticipating his answer.

Bright smirked at him before he shifted his gaze to his mother, "About Win? He's quite popular as well."

Win's eyes widened by hearing what Bright have said. There's no way he could have known him due to his popularity. He's not even popular in the first place. He lived his college life peacefully keeping his profile low and without seeking any attention.

Analyzing how the alpha knew him, there's one way that the alpha could have known him. He thought maybe Bright really found out who he is because he noticed that he's stalking him.

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