Chapter 7: Lovely Imperfections

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Waking up, Win felt warm and cozy. That was the first time he felt incredibly good upon waking up ever since he slept there. The warmth and pleasing scent from his pillow were setting his good mood.

It felt like he's not alone.

Like there was someone who's tending to his need, giving him the comfort he ever wanted.

Win snuggled closer to his pillow, burrowing his nose deeper, allowing the pleasant smell invade his system. It was so exhilarating. He can't get enough of it.

He pulled his pillow closer, hugging it to his liking. Somehow, his pillow felt firm when he held it closer.

It felt nice but of course that's weird.

Why was his pillow felt firm when he held it?

He touched his pillow, feeling it to its core, wondering why it felt soft at some parts but firm at some parts as well. As he inspected it with his sense of touch, a deep warm voice invaded his hearing.

"What are you doing?"

Win felt like he knew who's voice it is.

That voice, it can't be! Win thought in his mind. He slowly opened his eyes, only to see a familiar sleepwear that he saw last night. He pulled his head back as he slowly tilted it upwards, scared by what lies in his line of sight.

There was Bright, squinting his eyes, indicating that he just woke up.

No, it can't be.

"AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Win screamed at the top of his lungs, pushing the alpha and tucking himself in his blanket. Panic spilled into his veins the moment he saw Bright up close.



"That hurts, idiot!" Bright groaned as he fell on the ground.

"Why are you here?" Win asked whilst gripping his blanket tighter, confused by what's happening.

"Huh?" Bright uttered in annoyance, standing up with difficulty. "I live here, dumbass!"

"Did you... ahm... d-did you do s-something to me?" Win asked sheepishly, thinking if Bright did something to him whilst he's asleep.

Bright looked at Win as if he can't believe what he's hearing from the omega. He looked so scared, gripping into his blanket, playing the victim.

Making him feel like that he did something wrong.

Just wow.

The nerve of that omega to assumed that he did something to him.

Bright snickered in exasperation, "If anyone who should be worrying, it should be me."

He walked towards the bed, placing his right knee on the mattress as he leaned closer to the omega, flickering his forehead, "You're the one who's taking advantage of me while I'm asleep."

Win winced in pain as he touched his forehead, "Ouch, it hurts." As pain was inflected upon him, a sudden realization struck him on the contrary.

Bright was right.

If anyone should worry, its Bright and not him. Considering the fact that he's the one who feels something romantically, not the alpha.

He was the one who did something whilst they were asleep but on his defense, it's not like he did it on purpose. He just thought it was his pillow. Moreover, he didn't know that Bright was sleeping beside him at all.

"I thought you were my pillow." Win said in denial, trying to escape from the situation. "I didn't even know that you slept here."

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