Chapter 14: Let Him Go

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Bright's eyes widened in consternation upon hearing that statement from Win. When the omega walked past him, it felt suffocating for the alpha. He somehow had trouble breathing and his heart felt heavier than usual.

Silence engulfed the entire room as Win entered the shower room and closed the door hastily. The alpha was still standing on the same position, not knowing what to react.

He's been standing still for fifteen minutes since Win left him there speechless. It was so quiet that he could even hear the sound emitted from the splash of water in the shower room.

However, all of his attention were focused on what happened earlier. Win's expression and the way he spoke earlier was imprinted in his mind. Those words that came out from the omega's mouth played on repeat over and over in his head. Every time he recalled it, the pain in his heart increased vaguely.

Why does my heart hurt? Bright clutched on his chest, feeling the ache from his heart. He didn't know why he felt that kind of pain when he heard those words from Win.

Now that he thought about it, he never once felt a pang in his heart which made him feel immeasurable pain throughout his entire life.

Those heartache, uneasiness, and other strange feelings, all of it were a first for him.

And it's all because of a certain person who's in the other side of the door.

Bright tilted his head to the direction of the door of the shower room as he thought about the omega. Is he really giving up on me? Bright bit his lower lip as he thought about Win's statement earlier about loving him.

Well, he can't deny it for sure.

He really took it too far, no doubt.

But on his defense, he did it on purpose because he has a reason for it.

It's because that was the only way for him to make sure his relationship with Gun won't sunk.

It's because that was the only way for him to keep his feelings intact.

Although, the thing that confused him the most was, why did his blood boiled earlier when he saw those marks from Win's neck?

Why did he dislike the idea of Win sleeping with other men?

Bright gritted his teeth as he gripped his hair in confusion. He never once thought that he would be in a situation like that. He really didn't know what to do anymore.

He got what he wanted. He succeeded in making Win give up on him, but why does it feel like he didn't succeed at all?

Even though he got what he wanted, why did he felt the pain of losing someone? Why did his heart clenched in pain when he heard those words from Win?

The alpha should be happy about it since Win won't love him anymore and he finally won't get in the way from his relationship with Gun. He should be happy yet why did his feelings says otherwise? Why can't he bring himself to smile and tell Gun about the news?

Time goes by and he's still standing on the same spot, thinking about his feelings. However, when Win got out from the shower room, Bright flinched and was pulled out from his reverie.

He then looked at the omega with worried eyes but Win didn't look back at him as he went straight to the closet to get a change of clothes.

Bright gulped, still looking at Win, anticipating if his wife would say something. Sweats cascaded down on his temple whilst his heart was beating vigorously as he waited for the omega.

Minutes later, Win tilted his head to his direction whilst holding the clothes in his arms. He then stared at Bright with tired eyes, catching the alpha's attention.

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