Chapter 8: Preparation

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One week has passed already and there's not much that happened between Bright and Win. Just the occasional talks and arguments occurring from time to time. Other than that, nothing improved. Win even noticed that Bright became more distant than ever.

He became more cautious, making the omega curious to what led to that kind of situation.

Everything that happened in their daily life made Win more anxious. It felt like nothing is happening at all. The little chance that he hold on to, vanished in just a day. The moment he went home from work, Bright acted differently.

Win felt like he ate his own words. To his dismay, they didn't get closer like he thought they would.

He tried making an effort to start a conversation to make them closer but Bright just naturally end it in one reply, showing that he's not interested if it's irrelevant.

In their time of living together, Win mostly does the household chores and sometimes Bright help as well in his own way. When they sleep, there's always a pillow between them which act as a divider. When they have work, Win helps Bright with his necktie all the time. Nevertheless, they talk if it's only needed and sometimes it even led to an argument.

All is not well to Win's perspective.

They just got used in living together, that's all. It's more like a mandatory since they didn't have a choice.

Living with the alpha made Win wanted more of him. Even with Bright's despicable attributes, nothing affected his feelings for the alpha. Win didn't waver at the slightest. Even with Bright's flaws, he just find it cute, making his feelings even stronger.

Win even felt like the love he have for the alpha is special among others. He didn't know if this is something that he should be happy about since it looks unhealthy to the eyes of many. But what can he do when he's madly in love? This is the love where he felt anxious, sad, jealous, and many more negative emotions, but this is where he felt happiness as well. Happiness that he didn't felt from anyone but from his love towards Bright.

If there's one thing that he wished and hoped for, that is to experience being love by the alpha. Nothing more could make him happier.


"Hey, Win!"

Win got startled, slumping against the cushions. He looked upwards and saw Gulf holding a white suit. "What the hell? You scared me." Win accused his best friend.

"Idiot, I've been calling you like five times already. Anyways, you've been spacing out a lot these days." Gulf nagged at Win. "Got a cold feet?"

"It's not that." Win responded, clasping his hands together.

"Yeah right." Gulf smirked. "Get up and try this on."

"Can't we just pick one already and get this over with?" Win lazily stood up from the couch, not wanting to try anymore suits for his wedding with Bright.

"Nope. Auntie will get at me if I didn't chose the best wedding suit for you." Gulf pointed out as he handed the suit to Win. "Also, I'm just doing my job as your best man."

"Best man your face. It's not like this is a real wedding." Win reasoned out, sadness evident on his voice.

Gulf noticed the emptiness of Win's words. He knew how Win wanted this the most but knowing that this is just an arrangement, it made him feel worried for his best friend.

It must have been devastating for the omega.

It's a dream come true to marry the alpha that he genuinely love but the arrangement part must have hurt him cruelly.

Gulf tried to lessen the tension and uplift Win's mood, "You'll never know, maybe Bright will fall for you when you got married."

"Do you really think so?" Win asked, eyes sparkling in hope.

"Of course. You have plenty of time to make him fall for you now that you live together and soon you'll get married." Gulf answered, convincing the omega in front of him.

"But nothing happened these past few days. I've tried everything." Win said, clutching on the suit he's holding.

"So you're gonna give up?" Gulf tested his best friend. "What happened to the things you've said to me before?"


"Is that all you can offer? Man up!"

Win felt embarrassed as he heard his best friend. He just ate all the the things that he said to Gulf before.

All that declaration, for nothing.

He sighed, "You're right. I ain't giving up."

"That's more like it!" Gulf beamed in happiness. "Now go on and try that."

"Yes sir." Win marched to the dressing room to try the wedding suits.

Meanwhile, Bright just got home from picking his suit for the wedding. He just chose one without giving it any thought, just to be done with it already.

Their wedding rings are prepared, the venue, reception, invitation, media, pretty much everything is okay since their parents handled it well.

The only thing left is the wedding day itself.

Bright went to their room as he tucked himself to bed, tired from all the things regarding their wedding.

Suddenly his phone lit up, vibrating from his pocket, indicating a phone call.

He groaned as he got up and took his phone, answering it as he saw his best friend's name.

"What's up?" Bright asked.

"Nothing. How's the preparation for the wedding?"

"Terrible." Bright deadpanned.

"How's your wife?"

"Wife your ass!" Bright cursed as he got more irritated to his best friend. He sure is having fun messing with him.

"Don't be that harsh to your wife. Win's a keeper."

"I don't have time playing house with that omega. I have Gun already." Bright said.

"You sure?"

"Is that even worth asking for? I love Gun and he is enough for me. After all this nonsense, I'm getting a divorce." Bright responded seriously.

"Should I attend your wedding?"

"You don't have to. Anyways, I wanna get some rest already." Bright spoke lazily.

"Copy. Good luck to your wedding!"

"Fvck you Off!" Bright cursed as he hanged up from the phone call.


A/N: Hi guys! It's my birthday today!!!

I was planning to update next week but since it's my birthday, I decided to update even if it's quite short.

Hope you like it!

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